Stanley Ketchel, the middleweight champion, was shot and killed yesterday morning by the husband of the woman he was cooking breakfast for.
Håper med deg. :)
Posterity will ne'er survey,
A nobler grave than this:
Here lie the bones of Castlereagh:
Stop, traveller, and piss
Big River
Here's a word that you don't know. Wayheoh. It means, literally translated, "a long time away." Indian word. Bush Cree. It neatly combines "a long time ago" and "a place far away," but it has more significance than that. The thinking behind the word refers to a long distance travelled, both physically and chronologically, and what such a journey does to the person travelling. It's a good word. Great word. It's where we're going to start. A faraway place and a long-ago time.
Village of the Small Houses by Ian Ferguson
Gleden hopper over graven.
Og i Norge kan lesere glede eller "uffe" seg over den norske bokhøsten.
Maud was bent over one row suckering tomato plants and Lovely was bent over the next one. They were talking about a girl Lovely had his eyes set on. But a cow's bawling interrupted that. Maud unfolded and looked toward the river. Lovely did the same. The bawling was loud, unnatural, and awfull, and it set them to running. They ran first to the house, not toward the sound, because neither had taken a gun to the garden.
Maud's Line by Margaret Verble
Trygve Bratteli's Fange i natt og tåke, hvor han skriver om sine egne opplevelser som NN-fange i Tyskland under annen verdenskrig, bør være av interesse for deg.
I tillegg vil jeg anbefale Celine Wormdal's bok Kvinner i krig som ble utgitt i 1979.
Ifølge Wormdal har for få beskjeftiget seg med kvinnene og deres situasjon under krigen. I denne boken intervjuer Wormdal 11 kvinner om deres opplevelser under den tyske okkupasjonen av Norge. Kvinnene kommer fra forskjellige miljøer og var med i motstandskampen på hver sin måte.
Legger også ved en link til en interessant kronikk av Mari Jonassen Også kvinner kjempet under krigen
Ønsker deg mange interessante lesestunder!
Interessant tema:
Kan man lære å bli forfatter?
Pedantens favorittsitat? :)
Light is good for body. Darkness is good for thought. Dusk is where they meet.
- Odd Nerdrum
Folks should do their own fuckin', then they wouldn't want to listen to a lot of clatfart about another man's.
Takk for et så omstendelig og gjennomarbeidet svar!
Man skulle tro at den glimrende og ikke minst korte Colonel Chabert er blitt oversatt. Samt "selvbiografien", som jeg ikke husker hva heter i farten!
pst.... Heimlandet Barndom ble utgitt første gang i 1984 eller 1985 - min utgave er fra 1985 - og jeg husker boken som en av de bedre. :)
Fins denne på norsk? Jøss. Lurer på hvilke flere som er der ute av norsk Balzac. Han er god.
I am a spy, a sleeper, a spook , a man of two faces.
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Humanity is a huge aggregate lie, and a huge lie is less than a small truth. Humanity is less, far less than the individual, because the individual may sometimes be capable of truth, and humanity is a tree of lies. And they say that love is the greatest thing; they persist in SAYING this, the foul liars, and just look at what they do! Look at all the millions of people who repeat every minute that love is the greatest, and charity is the greatest— and see what they are doing all the time. By their works ye shall know them, for dirty liars and cowards, who daren't stand by their own actions, much less by their own words.
That’s the place to get to—nowhere. One wants to wander away from the world’s somewheres, into our own nowhere.
But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.