The shiny raindrop fell from the sky, through the darkness, toward the shivering lights of the port below.

«Macbeth» by Jo Nesbø

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I likhet med Moira leser jeg hele uka, eller rettere sagt hver eneste dag året rundt. Mengden varierer nok, men et dikt eller en historie er det alltid rom for.
I «vinterkulda» på 26 grader sør leser jeg for tiden bl.a. «The Good Doctor» av Damon Galgut. Har lest over halve boka, men så allerede etter de første sidene at den ikke kan måles med Galgut’s « In a Strange Room» - en bok jeg vil anbefale på « det sterkeste» og som er en av mine favoritter.
God helg - og kos dere med sol og litteratur.

Godt sagt! (7) Varsle Svar

«Why? Is that too real for you? Ideas are always better then reality, of course. But sooner or later the real world always wins. Laurence will find that out. So will you, when you go back to America and loose your African outfits and your fake name.»

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......These are very poor people. Anything is better than nothing».
«Is it?»
«Well, of course. Don’t you think so?»
«It seems to me,» I said, « that past a certain point, anything is exactly the same as nothing.»

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

The first time I saw him I thought, he won’t last.
I was sitting in the office in the late afternoon and he appeared suddenly in the doorway, carrying a suitcase in one hand and wearing plain clothes - jeans and a brown shirt - with his white coat on top. He looked young and lost and a bit bewildered, but that wasn’t why I thought what I did. It was because of something else , something I could see in his face.

«The Good Doctor» by Damon Galgut.

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"We're off our meds," whispered Dunbar.

Dunbar by Edward St.Aubyn

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Bill Gates har noen forslag til årets sommerlektyre.

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It’s not enough to live each day as if it’s your last, unless you remember that it’s everybody else’s last day as well.

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I've started to drive more cautiously since I was told I only have six months to live.

A Clue to the Exit
by Edward St. Aubyn

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

«When you’re talking, Steve,» Jock MacKenzie had told him once, «and I don’t care who it’s to or what it’s about, the important thing is knowing when to stop. Never say anything that doesn’t improve on silence.»

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Where have all the tiny eternities gone? Gone to urgencies, every one.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

You can’t believe anything people say. But what they say is all you have.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Certain women in jail and prison make rules for everyone else, and the woman insisting on quiet was on of those. If you follow their rules, they make more rules. You have to fight people or you end up with nothing.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Jeg liker sitatene dine - har boka liggende på kindle - på tide å ta den frem. :)

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Nordmenn leser fortsatt bøker ifølge leseundersøkelsen 2018, :)

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What do you mean hell doesn’t exist? I replied. He told me that the Catholic Church invented it to placate poor people, so they’d think there are worse things than this life.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

One day the boss asked Ernani, one of the laborers who worked with my dad, whether he spelled his name with an H. No, Ernani replied, H’s are for rich folks. What would we do with an H?

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It’s strange that the tendency in this global world is to accentuate identities, picking the one that most marginalizes you - sexuality, race, disability. I’m struck by the way we all rush to join our particular group, emphasizing what makes us different from everyone else, in order to make us all the same.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

The madwomen, here come the madwomen, the workers on the grounds will be saying, spying on them from behind the trees.

Ten Women
by Marcela Serrano

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Du holdt stand lenger enn meg, jeg mistet interessen for slekta til Hoem i løpet av andre bind. Antar at det ble litt i overkant mye fromhet, god moral og forutsigbarhet for meg. Ut i fra alle godordene som mange strør om seg med i forbindelse med denne slektskrøniken, hører jeg nok til mindretallet. Jeg har vært en ihuga «Hoemleser» siden «Kjærleikens ferjereiser» ble utgitt, men opplevelsen av at han har «passert toppen» har kommet snikende de siste årene. Håper jeg tar feil.

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