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[...]that is what the harmony of the Universe is: a man and a woman becoming a single energy.
Visit your soul, not your past.
Where is my first kiss filed away? In some hidden corner of my brain? In a series of electrical impulses that have been deactivated? My first kiss is more alive than ever, and I will never forget it. It's here, all around me. It forms part of my Aleph.
[...]We are always in touch with it, it's only routine that prevents us from feeling it.
What does God mean to you?
Anyone who knows God cannot describe him. Anyone who can describe God does not know him.
No one can learn to love by following a manual and no one can learn to write by following a course. I'm not telling you to seek out other writers, but to find people with different skills from yourself, because writing is no different from any other activity done with joy and enthusiasm.
Ikke la deg skremme av andres meninger. Bare den middelmådige er trygg på seg selv, så ta alltid en risk - gjør det du har lyst til å gjøre.
Jeg er i Alef, i punktet hvor alt finnes på samme sted, samtidig.