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The bulldog moved closer. I couldn't watch the kill. I felt a great shame at leaving the cat like that. There was always the chance that the cat might try to escape, but I knew that they would prevent it. That cat wasn't only facing the bulldog, it was facing Humanity.

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Fordelen med ham var at han aldri sa noe med mindre du stilte han et spørsmål. Jeg stilte ham adri spørsmål.

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"Han må klare eksamen", fortalte hun meg. Det slo henne aldri at det som sto i bøkene, kanskje var feil. Eller at det kanskje ikke spilte noen role. Jeg spurte henne ikke.

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"I hear the cops are after John," said my father. "He didn't do very much." "What did he do?" "He made some counterfeit dimes." "Dimes? Jesus Christ, what kind of ambition is that?"

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Harald KKirsten LundIngunn SKjell F TislevollJørgen NLilleviHilde H HelsethcupcakeMads Leonard HolvikSigrid NygaardVegardTone HGrete AastorpLinda NyrudKjerstiHarald AndersenJohn GulfjelletKetilStig TPiippokattaTor Arne DahlLailaSigrid Blytt TøsdalAgathe MolvikReadninggirl30alpakkaRisRosOgKlagingTheaTorill RevheimEivind  VaksvikBjørg Marit TinholtNina M. Haugan FinnsonStine SevilhaugAnniken RøilRoger MartinsenTine VictoriaAnn EkerhovdNinaNorahTove Obrestad Wøien