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And so I went from 18 to 19. Each day the sun would rise and set, the flag would be raised and lowered. Every Sunday I would have a date with my dead friend’s girl. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was going to do. For my courses I would read Claudel and Racine and Eisenstein, but they meant almost nothing to me. I made no friends at the lectures, and hardly knew anyone in the dorm. The others in the dorm thought I wanted to be a writer because I was always alone with a book, but I had no such ambition. There was nothing I wanted to be.
Jeg slo alltid på tv-en og lot som om jeg så på baseball. Så satt jeg og målte avstanden mellom fjernsynet og meg selv. I tankene delte jeg denne avstanden i to. så delte jeg halvdelen i to igjen, og slik holdt jeg på. Jeg fortsatte om og om igjen til jeg hadde oppnådd en avstand som var så liten at jeg kunne få plass til den i håndflaten.