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En overdose sorg kan like meget utløse et anfall av galskap som en overdose av hva som helst annet.
He thought for a moment before settling upon the most offensive word in his vocabulary. "...democracy."
... the sky looked at him. He felt the earth shrug because it felt him upon its back.
The sky spoke to him.
It was a language he had never heard before. He was not even certain there were words. Perhaps it only spoke to him in the black writing the birds made. He was small and unprotected and there was no escape. He was caught between earth and sky as if cupped between to hands. They could crush him if they chose.
The sky spoke to him again.
"I do not understand," he said.
"For noe tøv" sa dr. Greysteel. "Hvem har vel hørt om katter som gjør den minste nytte!"
"Annet enn å stirre på hverandre på en hovmodig måte," sa Strange. "Det gjør vel en slags moralsk nytte, ved at de gjør hverandre beklemte og oppmuntrer til nøktern ettertanke over egen utilstrekkelighet."
I dag bebos Spitalfields av de usle og fattige, og er sterkt plaget av smågutter, tyver og annet pakk som forstyrrer freden.
En mann drømte at han ble jaget opp i et tre av en mannevond lammestek. Han satt i treet og gråt av sult mens lammesteken løp rundt og fektet med knoken mot ham på en truende måte. Like etter fikk lammesteken selskap med seks hatske kokte egg som hvisket de styggeste løgner om ham.
All doorways in Venice are picturesque - and sometimes the people who linger in them are too.
"I am like a leftover piece of the funeral, condemned to walk about the Town, frightening people into thinking of their own mortality."
Houses, like people, are apt to become rather eccentric if left too much on their own; this house was the architectural equivalent of an old gentleman in a worn dressing-gown and torn slippers, who got up and went to bed at odd times of day, and who kept up a continual conversation with friends no one else could see.
The practice of magic is full of frustrations and disappointments, but the study of magic is a continual delight.