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I’ve been told things happen as they should.
Så kom hun og var vakker for meg, hun var en fakkel. Du vet hvordan hun kan være når hun lyser slik! Den fakkelen gjorde meg synlig for meg selv. Ja. Den gjorde meg synlig.
I believed myself to be ready then; now, with the hindsight brought by greater age, I see myself for the naive and inexperienced young woman I was. We all begin in such a manner, though. There is no quick route to experience
Så mange dager er det i en sommerferie, dager som skal fylles med noe, deles opp for ikke å bli en tung klut, for at det ikke skal kjennes for lite, for tynt, det vi er.
When men give you their fear, it is easy to steer them on the path you wish them to travel. When men show you their worth, it is easy to determine what you will freely take. When men do both, it is easy to play upon their hearts as deftly as a musician might play upon his pipes.
She made a note to be more careful, and filed it along with all the other notes to be more precise, more attentive, less squeamish, and less inclined to curl up and cry on someone’s shoulder.
Stupidity is universal, it seems