The younger gods

book four of the dreamers

av (forfatter) og Leigh Eddings (forfatter).

2006 Innbundet

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This is the exciting final volume in the glorious fantasy series "The Dreamers"...The attacks of the dreadful insect queen known as the Vlagh have been repelled in three of the Elder Gods' realms. Now, only the land ruled by the Goddess Aracia remains for the Vlagh to send her hordes to attack. But while the Gods, their younger avatars and their human comrades have emerged victorious from all previous encounters, this time the Goddess herself may be their greatest foe - she craves worship and hates the idea of being replaced by a younger God when her time comes to an end! And that time is approaching fast.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is the exciting final volume in the glorious fantasy series "The Dreamers"...The attacks of the dreadful insect queen known as the Vlagh have been repelled in three of the Elder Gods' realms. Now, only the land ruled by the Goddess Aracia remains for the Vlagh to send her hordes to attack. But while the Gods, their younger avatars and their human comrades have emerged victorious from all previous encounters, this time the Goddess herself may be their greatest foe - she craves worship and hates the idea of being replaced by a younger God when her time comes to an end! And that time is approaching fast.


Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780007157679

EAN 9780007157679

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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