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Faber & Faber 2007 Innbundet

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This epic novel draws the reader deep into the life of detective Sartaj Singh and into the criminal underworld of Ganesh Gaitonde, the most wanted gangster in India. Sartaj, one of the very few Sikhs in the Mumbai police force, is used to being identified by his turban, beard and the sharp cut of his trousers. But the 'Silky Sikh' is now past forty, his marriage is over and his career prospects are on the slide. When Sartaj gets an anonymous tip-off as to the secret hideout of the legendary boss of the G-company, he's determined that he'll be the one to collect the prize.

Omtale fra forlaget

This epic novel draws the reader deep into the life of detective Sartaj Singh and into the criminal underworld of Ganesh Gaitonde, the most wanted gangster in India. Sartaj, one of the very few Sikhs in the Mumbai police force, is used to being identified by his turban, beard and the sharp cut of his trousers. But the 'Silky Sikh' is now past forty, his marriage is over and his career prospects are on the slide. When Sartaj gets an anonymous tip-off as to the secret hideout of the legendary boss of the G-company, he's determined that he'll be the one to collect the prize.


Forlag Faber & Faber

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780571231201

EAN 9780571231201

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Omtalt sted India

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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