Hunters of Dune

av (forfatter) og Kevin J. Anderson (forfatter).

Tor Books 2007 Heftet

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From the monstrous Honored Matres - dark counterparts of the Gesserit Sisterhood - Duncan Idaho, the military genius Bashar Miles Teg, a woman named Sheeana who can talk to sandworms, and a group of desperate refugees explore the boundaries of the universe. Aboard their sophisticated no-ship, they have used long-stored cells to heroes and villains from the past, including Paul Muad'dib and love Chani, Duke Leto Atreides and his Lady Jessica, even the traitor Doctor Yueh, all in preparation for a final confrontation with a mysterious outside Enemy so great it can destroy even the terrible Honored Matres. And, deep in the hold of their giant ship, the refugees carry the last sandworms from devastated Arrakis, as they search the universe for a new Dune.

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From the monstrous Honored Matres - dark counterparts of the Gesserit Sisterhood - Duncan Idaho, the military genius Bashar Miles Teg, a woman named Sheeana who can talk to sandworms, and a group of desperate refugees explore the boundaries of the universe. Aboard their sophisticated no-ship, they have used long-stored cells to heroes and villains from the past, including Paul Muad'dib and love Chani, Duke Leto Atreides and his Lady Jessica, even the traitor Doctor Yueh, all in preparation for a final confrontation with a mysterious outside Enemy so great it can destroy even the terrible Honored Matres. And, deep in the hold of their giant ship, the refugees carry the last sandworms from devastated Arrakis, as they search the universe for a new Dune.


Forlag Tor Books

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780765351487

EAN 9780765351487

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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