Formerly Known As Food

Industrial Food System Changing Our Minds, Bodies and Culture

av (forfatter).

St Martin's Press 2018

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Forlag St Martin's Press

Utgivelsesår 2018

ISBN13 9781250078315

Språk English

Sider 336

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It's striking how quickly Americans have come to accept that it is
normal for almost everything we eat to come out of a plastic bag,
carton, or cardboard box.
Since the mid-20th century, when the food and agricultural
industries took over our food supply (..)

Our food — even what we're told is good for us — has changed
for the worse in the past 100 years,
its nutritional content deteriorating due to industrial farming
and its composition altered due to the addition of thousands
of chemicals from pesticides to packaging.
We simply no longer know what we’re eating.

The billion-dollar food industry is reshaping our food preferences,
altering our brains, changing the composition of our microbiota,
and even affecting the expression of our genes.

( omtaler fra utenlands )
( forfatters presentasjon )

"If you enjoyed this and wanted more nuanced exploration,
check out "The Dorito Effect", "The World According to Monsanto",
"Combat Ready Kitchen", "The Omnivore's Dilemma",
"Fast Food Nation" and "Food, Inc".

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