City on fire

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2015 Heftet

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"The best book we've done on the Book Club this year." (Simon Mayo Radio 2 Book Club). "A novel of head-snapping ambition and heart-stopping power." (Michiko Kakutani, New York Times). "Love The Wire? Then read this." (GQ). "Extraordinary...dazzling...a sprawling, generous, warm-hearted epic of 1970s New York." (Observer). "You're soon zipping through Hallberg's vividly realised New York like a child discovering Hogwarts for the first time." (The Times). "The kind of exuberant, zeitgeisty novel, like The Bonfire of the Vanities or The Goldfinch, that you'll either love, hate or pretend to have read." (Vogue). "The hype is justified: this is the year's must-read book." (Shortlist). New York. 1977. Be There When It Explodes. It's New Year's Eve, 1976, and New York is a city on the edge. As midnight approaches, a blizzard sets in - and amidst the fireworks, an unmistakable sound rings out across Central Park. Gunshots. Two of them. The search for the shooter will bring together a rich cast of New Yorkers. From the reluctant heirs to one of the city's greatest fortunes, to a couple of Long Island kids drawn to the punk scene downtown. From the newly arrived and enchanted, to those so sick of the city they want to burn it to the ground. All these lives are connected to one another - and to the life that still clings to that body in the park. Whether they know it or not, they are bound up in the same story - a story where history and revolution, love and art, crime and conspiracy are all packed into a single shell, ready to explode. Then, on July 13th, 1977, the lights go out in New York City.


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780224101714

EAN 9780224101714

Omtalt tid 1970-1979

Omtalt sted New York

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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Merkelig levende, med like bred pensel som Dickens og like tankevekkende innslag som Knausgård, beskriver Hallberg gigantbyen New York under den dystopiske forfallsperioden på 70-tallet, da gatebildet forvandlet seg til noe som minner om Lynvingens og Jokerens Gotham city. Likevel, ungdom som kjeder seg i Long Islands forsteder, søker seg mot kolossens gater og det som foregår der. Det ender for mange med forferdelse.

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Men dette skulle bli et av disse øyeblikkene, et av disse små øyeblikkene av familieliv han hadde latt forsvinne bak teppet mens han var travelt opptatt midt i scenen med å Lykkes

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You couldn’t trust people to be tomorrow what they had been yesterday.

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Choice isn’t the same thing as freedom—not when someone else is framing the choices for you.

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"[...] he could feel the memory coming on like a migraine: trigger, then aura, then pain"

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"[...] filling his ribcage with feelings oddly shaped and too large to fit inside"

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[...] an artist is someone who combines a desperate need to be understood with the fiercest love of privacy"

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Have you seen The Man Who Fell to Earth?” Charlie’s face was hot, his asthma tightening his throat. “I realize that maybe sounds like a metaphor, but you listen to David Bowie, he’s thinking about what people will face in the future.

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The sudden prospect of seeing it again, the city, his city, set his heart strugglig like an animal in a too-small cage.

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"It had been painful, being two people. There as a civil war inside her"

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"Everything her eyes, hands or lips touched could explode at any moment into a reminder.

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