
the Spirit Molecule

A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of near-Death and Mystical Experiences

av (forfatter).

Brumby Books & Music (The Scribo Group) 2001 Paperback

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Anandamids eksemplar av Dmt - the Spirit Molecule


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Forlag Brumby Books & Music (The Scribo Group)

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780892819270

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

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There was a horrible sound outside the door, someone drilling in screws. I thought about how incredible it was that our volunteers could disregard all the chaos of a hospital ward and still have such profound experiences.
Cassandra lifted the eyeshades but kept her eyes closed. Then she opened her eyes half-mast, gazing ahead. She looked up at the ceiling and began crying again.
"What are you feeling?"
Everything will be okay. I don't have to worry about all my doubts. Things like "Where will I go? What will I do?" It's reassuring.
"An optimistic feeling?"
Yes, it's very refreshing. It feels like there are thousands and thousands of separate parts of me and this drug brings them all together. It feels very complete.

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Dark matter comprises at least 95 percent of this universe's mass. In other words, nearly all of the matter in the universe is invisible. We can not see it.

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We see the entire universe in a blade of grass and know what our face was like before our parents met.

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Sara's notes from dose #4:
I went directly into deep space. They ["beings", "entities" often experienced on DMT] knew I was coming back and they were ready for me. They told me there were many things they could share with us when we learn how to make more extended contact. Again, they wanted something from me, not just physical information. They were interested in emotions and feelings. I told them, "We have something we can give you: spirituality." I guess what I really meant was Love. I tried to figure out how to do this. I felt a tremendous energy, brilliant pink light with white edges, buildings on my left side. I knew it was spiritual energy and Love. They were on my right, so I reached out my hands across the universe and prepared to be a bridge. I let this energy pass through me to them. I said something like, "See, there I did it for you. You have it." They were grateful. I was coming down off the DMT, losing altitude. I would have to go back.

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While not "personal", this spirit or life-force has a "history" associated with our particular collection of animated matter. It has experienced things with us, while being essentially unchanged by those events. Its movements have created unique fields of influence by the notes or sounds it has generated by our body's mental and physical activities. When the body is too weak to contain it, it leaves. Some goes to other matter, and some joins the ambient background of fields. The unique fields produced by its cleaving to our body, however, remain for a while before dissipating. The stronger the field, or the louder the note, the more time it takes to fade.

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