Stella Maris

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Knopf Publishing Group 2022 Lydbok

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Forlag Knopf Publishing Group

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Lydbok

ISBN13 9780307269003

Språk Engelsk

Sider 190

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Dette er en veldig fascinerende bok som er påvirket av Cormac McCarthys mange år på Santa Fe Institute sammen med fremragende forskere innen fysikk og matematikk. Denne videoen er god som støtte til lesingen:

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Husserl I fell in love with. He was a mathematician, so I trusted him. He was professor at Freiburg and he took in a young student named Martin Heidegger and was his teacher and his mentor and then the Nazis came and they said that Husserl would have to be dismissed because he was a Jew and Heidegger said why yes, that was only right. And so Husserl cleared his desk and went home and sat and wept and then he died and Heidegger took over his chair. So the question that we’re left with I suppose is that if human decency does not represent something like the foundation of philosophical inquiry then what is its purpose?

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But anyone who doesnt understand that the Manhattan Project is one of the most significant events in human history hasnt been paying attention. It's up there with fire and language.

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One day the doctor came in. He didn't know who Gödel was—just some nutty professor from the university—and Oppenheimer told him to take good care of Gödel because he was the greatest logician since Aristotle. And the doctor nodded and began to edge toward the door and Oppenheimer realized that he was thinking: Good God, now there's two of them.

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