The Passenger

McCarthy, Cormac

Knopf 2022 Innbundet

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Tor Arne Dahls eksemplar av The Passenger - McCarthy, Cormac


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Forlag Knopf

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780307268990

Språk Engelsk

Sider 383

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How did you know which room it was?
Easy. Room 4-C. I foresaw it.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Don't call me Dick
Why? Is your last name Head?

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What else? God. The man's a seducer of prelates and a suborner of the judiciary. He's an habitual mailcandler and a practicing gelignitionary, a mathematical platonist and a molester of domestic yardfowl. Principally of the dominecker persuasion. A chickenfucker, not to put too fine a point on it.

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If somebody calls somebody just a plain fuck it just means they left off the adjective?
Plain is an adjective.
Is Long John a son of a bitch?
No. He's too pathetic.
Is he a sick fuck?
Let me put it this way. If you look up sick fuck in the dictionary you'll find his picture.

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Those who survived would often remember these horrors with a certain aesthetic to them. In the mycoidal phantom blooming in the dawn like an evil lotus and in the melting of solids not heretofore known to do so stood a truth that would silence poetry a thousand years. Like an immense bladder, they would say. Like some sea thing. Wobbling slightly on the near horizon. Then the unspeakable noise. They saw birds in the dawn sky ignite and explode soundlessly and fall in long arcs earthward like burning party favors.

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