Stephen King skriver seg selv inn i The Dark Tower-serien. Jeg tror han først dukker opp i The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah.
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Det hele er nokså innviklet og vrient å forklare, så jeg lar wikipedia forsøke å forklare det for meg:
Stephen King (as a fictionalized character) appears in the final two Dark Tower books. Roland and his ka-tet learn of his existence when Roland comes across a copy of 'Salem's Lot, after first meeting Father Callahan, in the fifth book Wolves of the Calla. Roland and Eddie later confront King in his Maine home at a time when he has written 'Salem's Lot and The Gunslinger but no further Dark Tower books. Roland hypnotizes King and it is revealed that the author did not in fact "create" the characters of Father Callahan, or Roland, or any others involved with the Dark Tower, but Stephen King is in this reality a channel (another servant of the Beam / ka / Gan) that records their ongoing quest.
Helt enkelt er (den fiksjonelle) King altså en slags profet som nedtegner hovedkarakterenes reise/søken.
Da har jeg lagt den til i lista og prøvd å forklare sammenhengen.