Nick Kent var NMEs stjernejournalist rundt midten av 1970-tallet, og pleide tette kontakter med Keith Richards og Iggy Pop. Han er også kjent for tungt heroinmisbruk i den samme perioden. Til tross for to måneders innsats som gitarist i den aller tidligste besetningen av Sex Pistols, endte han opp som prygelknabe for Sid Vicious og andre punkere.
Denne boken er erindringer fra 1970-tallet, og inneholder ett kapittel om hvert år. Her er mange morsomme anekdoter om musikere og gode tidsbilder fra London, New York og Los Angeles, alltid krydret med dop. Alt i alt framstår Nick Kent med et litt stivnet bilde av rock 'n' roll som gatenær og opprørsk. Han er skeptisk til det meste av musikk etter 1977 med enkelte unntak (The Smiths og Mark E. Smith).
Boken "The Dark Stuff" inneholder eksempler på tekster fra Kents storhetstid som musikkjournalist.
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Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit.
I'm a city boy. In the big cities they've set it up so you can go to a park and be in a miniature countryside, but in the countryside they don't have any patches of big city, so I get very homesick.
He looked up. His pale hair looked white. He looked fourteen going on some age that never was. He looked as if he'd been sitting there and God had made the trees and rocks around him. He looked like his own reincarnation and then his own again. Above all else he looked to be filled with a terrible sadness. As if he harbored news of some horrendous loss that no one else had heard of yet. Some vast tragedy not of fact or incident or event but of the way the world was.
Standing at the edge of a winter field among rough men. The boy’s age. A little older. Watching while they opened up the rocky hillside ground with pick and mattock and brought to light a great bolus of serpents perhaps a hundred in number. Collected there for a common warmth. The dull tubes of them beginning to move sluggishly in the cold hard light. Like the bowels of some great beast exposed to the day. The men poured gasoline on them and burned them alive, having no remedy for evil but only for the image of it as they conceived it to be. The burning snakes twisted horribly and some crawled burning across the floor of the grotto to illuminate its darker recesses. As they were mute there were no screams of pain and the men watched them burn and writhe and blacken in just such silence themselves and they disbanded in silence in the winter dusk each with his own thoughts to go home to their suppers.
Og filmmusikken av Nick Cave & Warren Ellis utgis digitalt 23. november 2009 og fysisk 12. januar 2010, ifølge Pitchfork.
Ned med kulturen!