Boken som innledet den neste store kjærligheten etter Harry Potter-bøkene. Dette er fremtiden. En herlig serie som er umulig å forklare på ti ord.
The novel is set in two neighbouring fictional countries: To the south lies Ancelstierre, which has a technology level and society similar to that of early-20th century England, and to the north lies the Old Kingdom, where magic works and dangerous spirits roam the land — a fact officially denied by the government of Ancelstierre and disbelieved by most of Ancelstierre's inhabitants. (Those who live near the border know the truth of it, especially on days when the wind is blowing out of the Old Kingdom.) These dangerous spirits range from undead corpses known as Dead Hands to supernatural beings known as Free Magic elementals.
These living Dead are raised by Necromancers, or black magicians, who roam the Old Kingdom or live in Death, using Hands to do their bidding. To remedy the problem of dangerous, living dead, there is always a sorcerer with the title of Abhorsen, who is essentially a Necromancer himself (or herself), only in the reverse; he puts the dead to rest. At the time of Sabriel, it is her father, Terciel, who has the job of controlling the endless dead creatures doing evil deeds around the Wall, especially difficult since a new evil seems to be rising.
When the current Abhorsen is overcome by one such evil, he sends his bells and sword to his daughter Sabriel, who is being raised in an Ancelstierre school, out of reach of those who might try to strike at her father through her. She must return to the Old Kingdom to rescue her father and prevent the evil's return.
Bøkene til Lindqvist blir værende hos deg til evig tid. Kryper under huden og setter seg fast. Nå er jeg ørlite mer redd for å bade i havet.
Jeg vil tro enhver The Smiths/Morrissey-fan vil elske denne :>
Synes du virkelig det var mer sutring i Half-Blood Prince enn i Order of the Phoenix? OotP var jo bare en eneste stor angstfest, hvor Harry snakket i versaler 90% av tida. HBP var som en drøm i forhold :D
Kyllinglitteratur av ypperste kvalitet. Jeg elsket den, mange andre hatet den, hehehe.
Sjelden har en bok gjort meg så livredd som denne. Well done!
Ja, jeg avbrøt denne etter 300 sider. Jeg ELSKET de 300 sidene. Men jeg hadde ikke samvittighet til å fortsette siden jeg hadde 20 andre bøker å lese. Så den står fortsatt på leselista mi. Om en stund.