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Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

"Helt normalt at mange dør av Vaksinen --
det viser bare At den Virker!"

Står idag på , Offisiell beskjed

"Why most people who now die with Covid in England
have had a vaccination:

Dont think of this as a bad sign, it is exactly what
is expected from an effective but imperfect jab"

'effektiv' - for å avfolke kloden.

This “vaccine” propaganda isn’t going to stop: in fact,
it is likely to speed up as they run out of willing guinea pigs.

( Guardian ) ( ) ( shtfplan )

..The vast majority of people who are dying from the so-called
“delta variant” are people who have received at least one dose of
a Trump Vaccine.
Only a very small few who have never been injected are testing
“positive” for it.

The website is loaded with cases of
people who are now permanently injured or dead
as a result of “doing their part” to help “stop the spread.”
Does The Guardian think that the shots worked on them?

If the goal is to massively depopulate the world, then the answer
to that question is yes.
Suggesting such a thing even just a year ago would have been
considered a wild conspiracy theory, and yet here
we are having the mainstream media all-out admit it in plain sight.


Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

I sin bok "Gjensyn med Vidunderlige Nye Verden" skriver
Aldous Huxley:

"Når det gjelder påvirkning, så de første forsvarerne av
alminnelig lese- og skriveferdighet og en fri presse,
bare to muligheter:
Propagandaen kan være sann, eller usann.
De forutså ikke det som faktisk har inntruffet, fremfor alt i
de vestlige/ kapitalistiske demokratiene --
utviklingen av en enorm massekommunikasjons-industri som i
hovedsak hverken beskjeftiger seg med det sanne eller usanne,

men med det uvirkelige, det mer eller mindre totalt
De glemte å ta med i beregningen menneskets nesten umettelige
appetitt på avledende underholdning."

Kort sagt: Den frie presse var ment å skulle tilkoble.
Etterhvert har den også påtatt seg å avkoble.

( Georg Apenes i 'Stopp pressen!? om ytringsfrihet og personvern' )

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Over hele verden er det tro på en Gud eller noe overnaturlig. Indianerne tror på store ånd, muslimene tror på Allah, og de kristne og jødene tror på samme Gud. At mange i verden ikke tror og har trodd på Bibelenes skyldes vel at de ikke har hørt det kristne budskapet og om jødedommen.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

To parody the words of Winston Churchill:

never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Ikke noen omarbeidelse av 1931-romanen:

Here, ..Aldous Huxley uses his knowledge of human relations
to compare the modern-day world
with his prophetic fantasy.
He scrutinizes threats to humanity, such as overpopulation,
propaganda, and chemical persuasion, and explains
why we have found it virtually impossible to avoid them.

Brave New World Revisited is a trenchant plea that humankind
should educate itself for freedom before it is too late.

Brave New World Revisited (first published in 1958) is not a
reissue or revision of 0060850523 'Brave New World'.
Brave New World is a novel, whereas 'Brave New World Revisited'
is a nonfiction exploration of the themes in Brave New World.


This book is a small political essay that is just as relevant
today as it was at the time of its writing (1958),
some twenty-five years after the publication of Huxley’s
masterpiece. What the author is trying to do here is to assess
the validity of his novel’s predictions,
about the socio-political situation of the 1950s and forward.

Interestingly, Huxley also compares his predictions with that of
Orwell’s 1984.

Huxley mainly focuses on two significant problems of our
present time: overpopulation, and over-organization or
“Will to Order”, i.e. the control — and even despotism —
of “Big Business” and “Big Government”
over the whole of society,

and the subsequent waning of individual freedom, creativity
and happiness.
But how these big controlling powers are expressed in Brave
New World is almost the opposite of that of 1984:
“In 1984 the lust for power is satisfied by inflicting pain,
in Brave New World, by inflicting a hardly less humiliating

Essentially, Brave New World depicts a society where power is
exerted in the most despotic way, by feeding the people an
evolved version of the Romans’ panis et circenses
(feelies and orgy-porgy).
This is an entirely accurate description of our occidental
civilisation, ruled under the vast mass communication networks
(TV and the Internet),
manipulated in many ways as instruments of conditioning
and as social intoxicants.

Huxley provides a few — sometimes humorous — insights into
our present political situation, by analysing the use of
propaganda technology under the Nazi regime,
in part inspired by the indoctrination machinery of the
Holy Office, and in part inherited by the advertisement
industry in later times.

Today’s popularist politicians use the same tactics
and have the same disdain for honesty and objectivity.

In this regard, Huxley’s essay would help understand a
widespread, mostly non-violent, yet totalitarian, style
of government.
“A dictatorship, says Huxley, maintains itself by censoring
or distorting the facts,

and by appealing, not to reason, not to enlightened self-
interest, but to passion and prejudice,
to the powerful ‘hidden forces’, as Hitler called them,
present in the unconscious depth of every human mind.”

( fra goodreads )
( tekst av Huxley >

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Idéelt har pressen én, overordnet oppgave i et liberalt
demokrati: Å sette borgeren i stand til å velge.
Stille til hans rådighet fakta, tilby ham vurderinger av de
samme fakta, presentere alternativer, gi ham argumenter og
mot-argumenter. Overtale, advare, angripe, forsvare.
Røke makten ut, kikke de myndige i kortene, punktere løgn,
avsløre inkonsistens,
og holde under oppsikt og i age de som har påtatt seg å
forvalte et ansvar de har fått av andre.

..opplysningstidens tillit til enkeltmenneskets evne og vilje
til å samle kunnskap og trekke slutninger for seg selv og for
fellesskapet i en stadig, rasjonell prosess.
..basert på en oppfatning av mennesket som et fornuftsvesen
som kan tillates
ansvar for å forvalte meninger, adgang til å skifte dem
og å verve andre for sin overbevisning.

Tidstypisk valgte grunnlovgiverne å forankre grunnholdningen
i f.eks. paragraf 100 - der det heter at
"Frimodige Ytringer om Statsstyrelsen og enhver anden Gjenstand
ere Enhver tilladte."

..Det "før-politiske" eller "utenom-politiske" kan ikke skilles
ut som særskilte kategorier.

( fra 'Stopp pressen!? : om ytringsfrihet og personvern' 1984 )
( Kildetekst ->

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

'Folkefiender':   er smitteforskere 'Statsfiendtlige krefter'
når de vitner redelig om elementære biter av faget ??

Nabintu Herland værer Mao-taktikk :
Legemiddelverket advarer nå om farlige hjerteskader på
vaksine-flakongene, men skeptikere må svertes ut?

Samhällsnytt: Individer kritiske til Covid-politikk kan bli
'anmeldt' til krise-regiverket MSB som fiendemakt-agenter?

-- De har signalementet på Folkefienden! --

"Desinformation och konspirationsteorier kan underblåsa hat,
bidrar till polarisering av samhället och utnyttjas
av grupper som vill hota och störa samhällets funktionalitet.
(fagfolk som Ibsens Dr.Stockmann)

När det gäller vaccinet kan vilseledande information öka misstron
mot vetenskaplig och medicinsk information
som för individen kan vara en fråga om liv och hälsa.
(Du kommer aldri til å skjønne noe real Scientiology)


Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Visst nedstammer du fra firfisloidene,


det er nå 'Faktisk' populærvitenskapelig bevisført

av en kunnskapsbedrift som lever av å spå folk i
for å fast slå hva blanding av 'primære rasetrekk'
som er din plass i arvelighets-bildet,
nemlig familietreet som også i prinsipp må fiksere
din relasjon til ur-primater slimåler og firfiksler-
( slik ledende universiteter og lærsteder ennå ser det )

det ble mer detaljert forklart her -
"Kan Ann-tro-på Ida"?

De nyoppdagede nyhetene overbevisende forklart her under,
så langt dette lar seg gjøre...

en menigmann sendte nemlig inn en halsprøve fra sitt
eget kjæledyr og hus-reptil,
og dyret var litt asiat og dertil stamtavlerett jøde,
ble det (etter noe intern debatt?) rapportert tilbake .

btw Nyttig ellers:
Løvetann-salat kan kunne avhjelpe virulente vaksine-skader --
oppriktig alvor. her >

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Virus Mania

"Courageously evaluating the medical establishment, the corporate
elites and the powerful government funding institutions."
[Wolfgang Weuffen, MD, Professor of Microbiology
and Infectious Epidemiology]

The population is terrified by reports of so-called COVID-19,
measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS or polio.
However, the authors of "Virus Mania," investigative journalist
Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Kũhnlein, MD,
Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD,
show that this fearmongering is unfounded
and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts:

The existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of
these agents have never been proven.
The book "Virus Mania" will also outline how modern medicine uses
indirect lab tools such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) that are in fact worthless to detect viruses.

The alleged viruses may in fact, also be seen as particles produced
by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors
such as drugs.
These particles are then "picked up" by antibody and PCR tests and
mistakenly interpreted as epidemic-causing viruses.
That the public is misled about such things is also largely due to
the fact-free reporting of the media
(the coverage of the "New York Times" and "Der Spiegel" are
specifically analyzed).
The authors of "Virus Mania" analyze all real causes of the illnesses
named COVID-19, avian flu, AIDS or Spanish flu,
among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals,
pollution, malnutrition and stress.
To substantiate it, they cite dozens of renowned scientists,
among them the Nobel laureates Kary Mullis, Barbara McClintock,
Walter Gilbert and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet
as well as microbiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner Ren Dubos,
and it presents more than 1,400 solid scientific references.

(notatsøk på forfatter Bailey) -   - (video kanalside)
("Excess Mortality"?)

fra andre kilder:

"People are dying from the covid 'vaccine', and those who are not,
are told to take 2 or 3 more shots."

Side Effects of Covid Shot – VERY DANGEROUS

Det TOTALITÆRE viruset ?

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

"Google finansierte viruset, sensurerte informasjon"

Google har finansiert denne forskningen i ti år.

Google ga penger til Peter Daszak som betalte laboratoriet i Wuhan
for å drive forskning på coronavirus
for å gjøre dem mer smittsomme og dødelige.

Da pandemien brøt ut sensurerte Google informasjon om at viruset
kom fra laboratoriet.

Dette viser Daszaks dokumenter.
"So if he gets caught, Google gets caught.”

(se Document , mer i deres høyremarg)

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Forresten ble det gitt litt ytterligere belysning av
hva Jan Guillou godt kan regnes å ha ment med å avsløre
denne listigfalske kultguruens tanker :

Som falskmynt er han ikke akkurat slått i bare ett eksemplar,
men bra årgangs-Guillou i det 'vare' portrettet.

Røper kanskje ørlite mer av handlingen her, be my guest.. >
( og dertil litt kritikk av absurdtenker François le Voltaire )

"Man kan faktiskt hitta bevis för vadsomhelst, bara man lärt sig
allt utantill"

sitatet her

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Ibsens Folkefiende: farlig politisk dynamitt i Kina

"Oppsetningen traff en nerve hos kinesere
som er opprørt over mangelen på ytringsfrihet og en fri
presse, i et samfunn der all opposisjon knebles.

Mangelen på ren luft, vann og jord, er også et tema som
opptar mange kinesere.

– Det er et veldig politisk stykke som finner klangbunn
også i Kina, men vi får reaksjoner fra publikum
i alle land på denne oppsetningen, som handler om
forholdet mellom individet og et samfunn drevet av
økonomisk makt

( sit. fra NRK )

Folkevenn Skaftnesmo >
om fiendskap i vår opplyste tid

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Litt smått og nett nytt, fra ledende moteskredderier:

Hvis du får lastet ned Full Backup av hele hjernen din,
følger da sjelen med og kan psykoanalyseres offline?

Og er det kodet en generell simulator for 'hjernevev',
kan du da bare laste opp hjernebildet ditt i en under-
katalog du leier - og dermed oppnå udødelig liv ??

Endel tror entusiastisk på at tjære vene, såpass må en da
kunne kreve av en høyteknokratisk samfunnsøkonomi,
som de hadde spart til så lenge.

Emnet tidligere noe berørt - ( av fri-tenker ) - ( og fastmurer )

Sir Tesla lovet deg en fin USB-C konnektor til din hjernekasse.

( om samme emne) -   - ( litt vampyrikk attåt )

Går du ikke pent nå, så rebooter vi deg!

de forsto da vel det meste om smittevern?

'Sovesyke'/narkolepsi var velkjent vax-skade fra før..

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

Underlige allianser

kommer i dagen såpass ofte at de må høre til grunnpensum ..

så har vi en sapient kar som heter Edward Snowden, han har hatt
forunderligheter til yrke i all sin tid:

Edward Snowden: “ The Worst Conspiracies Are In Plain Sight ”

Det er ganske ofte gjenoppdaget at 'terrorister' med sine nær
regulære hærstyrker, samarbeider tett på verdensbasis, også der
de i teorien har hver sine merkesaker og revolusjoner, og selv
om brorskapet ikke trenger virke så innlysende:
De står felles om at sivilisasjonen, først og fremst den
vestlige verden, dens økonomi og vitalitet må bombes i grus.
Så 'terrorismen' må synes som en verdensideologi helt alene?

..og så skal den nye ordningen spire fram av de bombede ruinene,
fra kaos skal det bli Orden - et slagord som kan virke kjent.

Vi kan også ha hørt små rykter om at Overvåkning må være massivt
utbredt -
sågar at en rekke små elektroniske / nettbaserte sukkertøy-
tjenester faktisk er nærmest unikt sentrale i det faget, enda så
frivillige de skal virke. De bevåker oss uten at vi trenger være
innmeldt i tjenestene engang, programvarer i tjenester og servere
holder hverandre kryss-underrettet om små info-biter som vil bli
montert sammen til rapportbilder på alle små fotgjengere i verden.
Hvordan dette virker, er ganske godt avslørt og dokumentert for
den som måtte orke det noe intrikate studiet.

Etter gamle militære tradisjoner, så må jo enhver Stat ha sine
bevåknings- og spionasjetjenester -- må vite hvilke fiender som
er farligst, time for time. Men disse hemmeligtjenestene har også
til gammel tradisjon å byttehandle data om eller med hverandre,
forbløffende gavmildt. De må være storaksjonærer i hele det
globale bevåknings- og spionasjenettet -- hvor mange ideelle og
idylliske appatatvesen som får abonnere, vet vel knapt engang
pappa Snowden?

Hvem bevåkes? Alle vi gjennomsnittlig kjedelige fotgjengere, uten
videre kjente kriminalpsykopatiske belastninger eller avvikende
stempler i mappa. Bare 'Litt øvede' spionkrim-lesere kjenner til
at det også er sterk gammel tradisjon i bransjen, på at vanlige
kjedelige folk kan være nyttige kilder, og må ha sine doser smiger
og 'oppmerksomhet'. Bra kilder må helst håndlages.

Og så må helhetlige fiende-bilder likevel utspekuleres, og det kan
være oss alle -- det er det helt nødt til å være! Tenk om vi lærte
å analysere litt data selvstendig, vi kunne jo utvikle hver våre
egne aha-opplevelser, og derfra har vi farligstempel på oss -
kan vi ha søkt på giftgass, bomber, eller krigsvirus-smitte ?
33 viktige spionasjeverk i union, vet det meste om oss, sanker inn
ansiktsavtrykk og DNA-data "for livet" (eller for dets eliminasjon).
"Vet du det ikke tuppen, at Nyordningen vil ha deg i suppen?"

Fagmann George Orwell var helt på sporet i å kunne avsløre at Krigen
ble ført mot maktstatens egne arbeidere, mens offisiell fiende fikk
drive sitt eget spill med 'sine' undersåtter.. en ofte forbisett
egenskap ved Idealstaten, den Orwell selv var med på laget for å
utforme -- men hoppet av omtrent i tide.

Så hei -- det er vi alle som er mistenkte fiender og må kartlegges.
Å sammenligne notater er det farligste vi gjør -- vi kan få såvel
ørkenterrorister som Forente Fredsstyrker og Tjenestebyråkratisk
Fellesråd etter oss.
"Og alle hadde børser, og alle hadde børser Fra Kalashnikov &co."

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

"De tre tingrettsdommene svikter på samme vis (..):
De legger statsforvaltningens påstander til grunn for dommen –
uten å granske dem,
til tross for at det nettopp er disse påstandene som utfordres
av saksøkerne. .."

( Einar Flydal >

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Tillegg, se først kontant forklaring på norsk, her >

“If a materialist says that she believes in materialism
because she perceives the reasons for believing it,
then I take it she is committed to the existence
of reasons,”
and therefore has to explain how they can exist in a
materialist universe.
It is really the same argument that Socrates used at his
defense: How can you believe in flute playing and not
believe in flutes? How can you believe in divine effects
and not believe in the gods?

Reppert has updated it and applied it to the existence of
reasons in a useful and persuasive manner.
His refutation on pp. 100-101 of the notion that reason
could have been produced by natural selection
is also good.

The “inadequacy objection,” which argues that non-scientific
explanations do not explain, is one of the biggest hurdles
the argument from reason has to face.
Reppert’s question on p. 111 is an excellent response to it:

“Is it more dangerous to the scientific enterprise to suggest
that a comprehensive “scientific” account of cognition
cannot be correct,
or to suggest that truth should not be the goal of our
rational deliberations?”

That is a question that we need ask more insistently.

..I focused on the fact that a naturalist universe is by
definition a deterministic universe. The laws of physics
determine everything because the universe, being uncaused,
exists a se and therefore by definition cannot be other
than it is.

It seems to me that this fact needs to be stressed,
for it provides a simpler way of defeating Anscombe's
It really does not matter whether chains of reasoning
caused by non-rational causes can happen to have been
valid or not,
unless we are free to choose between them on a non-deterministic basis:

If nobody can help believing what he believes, whether
it be rational or irrational,
then nobody is in a position to distinguish between
warranted and unwarranted truth claims

or to urge his own truth claims with any moral force.

Valid chains of reasoning might occur, but nobody --
including the naturalist making truth claims for
naturalism -- would be in a position to benefit from them.

Reppert implies all of this when he talks about the
problem of knowing that one is rational,
but it seems to me that his case would be strengthened
by bringing it out more clearly.

( Donald T. Williams , Toccoa Falls College )

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Bidrar til synet på tenkeren Lewis' avsløring av logiske
defekter ved en kultopphøyd 'scientisme', en holdning
som står bak de moderne fenomener: Teknokrati og herav

å videreutvikle eller ombygge Mennesket til 'Sapiens 2'
gjennom en høyteknologi vi lenge bare hadde hørt om
via 'Science Fiction', i verste fall.

Lewis 'dramatiske' roman 'That Hideous Strength' omfatter dette
moderne dilemma, blant andre tankevekkende 'evige' tema.


« Lewis thought that, in Alfred North Whitehead’s words,

scientists who were
“animated by the purpose of proving that they are purposeless
constitute an interesting subject for study.”

He satirically depicted such scientists in 'That Hideous
Strength', especially in the figure of Frost.

Of all radical empiricists, from La Mettrie and Hume to
A. J. Ayer, who would undermine the authority of reason
and its procedures,
Lewis tirelessly pointed out this contradiction.

(...) in some important sense language and thought
themselves are non-natural, supernatural, transcendent,
and metaphysical.
“In order to think,” he wrote in 1942, “we must claim for
our reasoning a validity which is not credible if our own
thought is merely a function of our brain,
and our brains a by-product of non-rational physical

Lewis’ love of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was due
largely to his loyalty to an epistemology
that he thought had been caricatured and misunderstood by
Bacon, Descartes, and the French Encyclopedists of the
eighteenth century.
As a careful student of the history of philosophy and ideas,
he knew that the great flowering of scientific thought
in the seventeenth century had not only Greek roots, but
medieval ones. »

( etter “Lewis on Mere science” her >


Fra forlagsomtale:

C. S. Lewis is best known for his Narnia tales and
Christian apologetics, works that have sold more than
100 million copies.
But Lewis was also a trained philosopher and a professor
at Cambridge and Oxford.
He fiercely and extensively critiqued the fashionable dogma
known as scientism —
the idea that science is the only path to knowledge,
and matter the fundamental reality.

Michael Aeschliman’s The Restoration of Man ably surveys
Lewis’s eloquent case against this dogma,
and situates him among the many other notable thinkers
who have entered the fray over this crucial issue.

Aeschliman shows why Lewis’s case for the human person as
more than matter — as a creature with inherent rationality
and worth —
is a precious resource for restoring and preserving our
culture’s sanity, wisdom, and moral order.

This newly revised and expanded edition of Aeschliman’s
celebrated study includes forewords by three distinguished
James Le Fanu, George Gilder, and Malcolm Muggeridge.

Relatert: Lewis Dangerous Idea - på norsk

Emnet omtalt på forumet 10 år tilbake :

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Så här skriver Туве Янссон :

Vi har beslutslat visla dig Innehållslet

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

(forts. herfra)

"These organisms then," said Mark, "are friendly to humanity?"

"If you reflect for a moment, you will see that your question
has no meaning except on the level of the crudest popular
Friendship is a chemical phenomenon, so is hatred.
Both of them presuppose organisms of our own type.
The first step towards intercourse with the macrobes
is the realisation
that one must go outside the whole world of subjective
Only as you begin to do so, you discover how much
of what you mistook for your thoughts, was merely a
by-product of your blood and nervous tissues."

"Oh, of course. I didn't quite mean "friendly", in that sense.
I really meant, were their aims compatible with our own?"

"What do you mean by our own aims?"

"Well -- I suppose -- the scientific reconstruction of the
human race in the direction of increased efficiency --
the elimination of war and poverty
and other forms of waste -- a fuller exploitation of Nature --
the preservation and extension of our species, in fact."

"I do not think this pseudo-scientific language really
modifies the essentially subjective and instinctive basis of
the ethics you are describing. I will return to the matter
at a later stage. For the moment, I would merely remark that
your view of war and your reference to the preservation of
the species suggest a profound misconception. They are mere
generalisations from affectional feelings."

"Surely," said Mark, "one requires a pretty large population
for the full exploitation of Nature, if for nothing else?
And surely war is disgenic and reduces efficiency?
Even if population needs thinning, is not war the worst
possible method of thinning it?"

"That idea is a survival from conditions which are rapidly
being altered. A few centuries ago, war did not operate in
the way you describe. A large agricultural population was
essential; and war destroyed types which were then useful.

But every advance in industry and agriculture reduces the
number of work-people who are required.
A large, unintelligent population is now becoming a deadweight.

The real importance of scientific war is that scientists have
to be reserved. It was not the great technocrats of Koenigsberg
or Moscow who supplied the casualties in the siege of Stalingrad:
it was superstitious Bavarian peasants and low-grade Russian
agricultural workers.
The effect of modern war is to eliminate retrogressive types,
while sparing the technocracy and increasing its hold upon
public affairs.
In the new age, what has hitherto been merely the intellectual
nucleus of the race
is to become, by gradual stages, the race itself.

You are to conceive the species as an animal which has now
discovered how to simplify nutrition and locomotion to such a
point that the old complex organs and the large body which
contained them are no longer necessary.
That large body is therefore to disappear. Only a tenth part
of it will now be needed to support the brain.
The individual is to become all head. The human race is to
become all Technocracy."

"I see," said Mark. "I had thought rather vaguely -- that the
intelligent nucleus would be extended by education."

"That is pure chimera. The great majority of the human race
can be educated only in the sense of being given knowledge:
They cannot be trained into the total objectivity of mind
which is now necessary.
They will always remain animals, looking at the world through
the haze of their subjective reactions.
Even if they could, the day for a large population has passed.

It has served its function by acting as a kind of cocoon for
Technocratic and Objective Man.
Now, the macrobes, and the selected humans who can co-operate
with them, have no further use for it."

"The two big wars, then, were not disasters on your view?"

"On the contrary, they were simply the beginning of the
programme -- the first two of the sixteen major wars which
are scheduled to take place in this century.

I am aware of the emotional (that is, the chemical) reactions
which a statement like this produces in you, and you are wasting
your time in trying to conceal then from me. I do not expect
you to control them. That is not the path to objectivity.
I deliberately raise them in order that you may become
accustomed to regard them in a purely scientific light and
distinguish them as sharply as possible from the facts."

Mark (...) was fully occupied with the conflict between his
resolution not to trust these men, never again be lured by
any bait into a real co-operation,
and the terrible strength -- of an opposite emotion.
For here, here surely at last (so his desire whispered to him)
was the true inner circle of all,
the circle whose centre was outside the human race --
the ultimate secret, the supreme power,
the last initiation.

The fact that it was almost completely horrible did not in the
least diminish its attraction.
Nothing that lacked the tang of horror would have been quite
strong enough to satisfy the delirious excitement which now
set his temples hammering.
It came into his mind that Frost knew all about the excitement,
and also about the opposite determination,
and reckoned securely on the excitement as the thing which was
certain to carry the day in his victim's mind.

( C.S.Lewis, 1945 )

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