5 bøker ble det på meg. Bøker skrevet på 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950 og 1980-tallet. Handlingene tok meg med til London, Paris, Rivieraen og Cuba.
Den beste boka jeg leste i januar var helt klart The Razor's Edge av W. Somerset Maugham.
Even the top of a bus can be exciting, especially when one possesses an uncomfortable inside seat, and is filled with fierce determination to obtain a seat next to the railing.
It was extraordinary that, whenever he tried to take a siesta, his thoughts were always so depressing. Perhaps the small hours of the afternoon were in affinity with those of the night and released similar bogeys.
We all find faults, but those who look for gratitude find the ugliest.
To expect the worst from people and events is to enjoy delicious surprices; to expect the best is to receive disappointments.
Mine mål er:
The lesson he had learnt, that all of us are alone, fighting for ourselves in a world that is daily growing more savage
There are times when [...] the remaining years, forty or fifty of them, streatch out ahead like the steps of an infinitely tiering staircase.
American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection that English women only hope to find in their butlers.
You attach more importance to money than I do.
I can well believe it I answered [...] It's given me what I value almost more than anything else in life - independence.
You can't think what a comfort it's been to me to think that if I wanted to I could tell anyone in the world to go to hell.
Bright Young Things bøker av denne gruppen unge mennesker i Storbritannia på 1920 og 30-tallet
Dr Weiss, at forty, knew her life had been ruined by literature.
Årene gikk, nederlagene ble flere og flere og det ble stadig mer å holde skjult.
Jeg hadde ofte dårlig samvittighet fordi jeg kjedet meg over ting som det ble forventet at jeg skulle like - idrett, speideren, juleaften, fedrelandet
What's your life been like?
Hard, said Barlow, hard. I had to get up early this morning.
If you were ten years old, people just looked over your head and assumed that you couldn't have any problems and that schooldays were the happiest days of your life.
Being ten was a bore. It was hampering and humiliating.
Behaving in a rational manner. I suppose you attach some clear meaning to those words. Or do you mean beahaving like everybody else?
Artig at du plukket den beskrivelsen. Inspirert av Terry Hayes :)
For meg er det langt viktigere å være en trivelig fyr enn å selge mange bøker eller skrive udødelig litteratur ;) Ha en fin dag :)