Enig! Og veldig fin å lese på engelsk som du sier, et enkelt og greit språk uten overflødige ord. I tillegg var den veldig spennende!
Enig i at den ikke var noe særlig morsom.. Hadde forventet litt mer fra Knut Nærum..
Jeg kler meg godt, og svetter som en ape
"When I was younger everything seemed possible. Now nothing does."
She still didn't seem to know what to do with her hands or where to look, (...)
Emma had always envied those people who spoke their minds, who said what they felt without attention to social nicety. She had never been one of those people, but even so now felt an F-sound forming on her bottom lip.
She was having a wonderful time, she said, but she didn't like to laugh in company because she didn't like what laughter did to her face.
Then, without quite knowing how it happened, Dexter finds that he has fallen in love, and suddenly life is one long mini-break.
They sat in silence in the wreckage of the evening in front of two plates of unwanted food and she thought that she might cry.
Now there's a war in Europe and she has personally done absolutely nothing to stop it. Too busy shopping for furniture.
He is taken aback by this sudden rush of love he feels for Emma, and he decides to get in a cab to Earls Court and tell her how great she is, how he really, really loves her and how sexy she is if only she knew it and why not just do it, just see what happens, and if none of that works, even if they just sit up and talk, at least it will be better than being alone tonight. Whatever happens, he mustn't be alone...
These days the nights and mornings have a tendency to bleed into one another.
Jeg leste "Mannen som elsket Yngve" først, siden den ble utgitt først. Men, som sagt, så går det helt sikkert fint å lese "Kompani Orheim" først også, men tipper du får best utbytte av lesingen om du starter med "Mannen som elsket Yngve" og deretter de andre bøkene i kronologisk rekkefølge ;)
She suspects that she will never, ever dance in her bra in a room full of foam, and that's fine.
'I think you're amazing,' someone says to someone else, but it doesn't matter who, because they're all amazing really. People are amazing.
Wasn't this exactly one of the experiences she craved? Why couldn't she be more spontaneous and reckless? If she was too scared to swim without a costume how could she ever be expected to tell a man that she wanted to kiss him?
'Maybe they're in love.' 'And this is what love looks like - all wet mouths and you skirt rucked up?' 'Sometimes it is.'
'Fat girl,' she thought, 'stupid fat girl' this being one of the slogans currently playing in her head, along with 'A Third of Your Life Gone' and 'What's the Point of Anything?'
(..) feeling a ripple of anxiety pass across her shoulders at the thought of it: independent adult life. She didn't feel like an adult. She was in no way prepared. It was as if a fire alarm had gone off in the middle of the night and she was standing on the street with her clothes bundled up in her arms.
'So if I'm so awful -' His hand was on her hip now. '- which you are.' '- then why are you sleeping with me?' His hand was on the warm soft flesh of her thigh.