Jeg hadde gledet meg til verden der ute i lang tid, hadde sett den for meg i de vakreste farger, tenkt på hvordan den ville føles. Og nå beveget jeg meg som i en innbilt verden. Min virkelighet var bjørketapetet på kjøkkenet, omgivelser jeg visste hvordan jeg skulle bevege meg i. Her ute snublet jeg rundt som om jeg hadde havnet i feil film.
Filmen var veldig god, jeg så den først og leste boka etterpå, ble på et nivå skuffet over boka, og på et annet skuffet over filmen. De stiller likt hver for seg for meg egentlig. Men Likte begge to godt.
Absolutt enig. Jeg falt veldig for hele historien egentlig og ble kjempe glad når den nå har blitt filmatisert, selv om som alltid var boka bedre enn filmen. Men er arti å lese folks delte meninger her inne!
Jeg har aldri vært noe særlig glad i novelle samlinger, men denne hadde absolutt sine sterke sider. Og mange sitater jeg likte godt, sånne som får en til å tenke litt videre, hvertfall meg. Absolutt verdt å lese :-)
And then I felt sad because I realized that once people are broken in certain ways, they cant ever be fixed, and this is something nobody tells you when you are young and it never fails to surprise you as you grow older as you see the people in your life break one by one. You wonder when your turn is going to be, or if it's already happened.
Sometimes you can't realize you're in a bad mood until another person enters your orbit.
The world is filled with stories of these beautiful little creatures who were all supposed to have been part of a fairytale, but who got lost along the way.
Some day you cross this thin line and you really realize that we need to protect ourselves from ourselves.
There are the people of the day, and the creatures of the night. And it is important to remember that the creatures of the night aren't simply the people of the day staying up late because they think that makes them cool and interesting. It takes a lot more than heavy mascara and a pale complextion to cross the divide.
This darkness troubles me. I yearn for the light. This silence is so deep, I long for voices, the drumming of rain, the whistle of wind, music. Whay are you being so cruel to me? Let me see, let me hear, let me live! I beg of you. I am so lonely in this bottomless darkness. So lonely. Lost. You think I have no heart. But if I have no heart what is this ache? What is this anguish? If I have no heart what is it that threatens to break inside me? This darkness is haunted. I am afraid here. I am lost and afraid here. Have you no compassion? I only wanted to be like you. To walk in the sunshine. To swim in the sea. To feel the winter cold against my skin. The summer heat. To smell a rose, newmown grass. To taste an orange, a pear, chocolate cinnamon, peppermint. To feel the texture of a womans skin. I only wanted to share your joys and sorrows, your pleasure and your pain. This darkness extends to infinity in all directions, yet it is as confining as a coffin. You have closed me in a coffin! I have been buried alive. I will go mad here. Have you no compassion?
For alle og enhver kommer det en tid da hellet svikter oss. Lykken slutter å smile til oss og vi må berede oss på vår siste kamp. Noen er fysisk alene når de dør, og andre er det ikke. Men det er uansett ikke mulig å ha følge på ferden gjennom den siste mørke tunnelen ved livets slutt.