Å være på et norsk sykehus var som å være på luksushotell. Jeg følte meg veldig rik, men ikke rik på penger. Her måtte ikke legene priotere hvem som skulle reddes først, eller hvem som kunne ofres. Legene trengte ikke å fokusere på fem pasienter samtidig. Her var oppmerksomheten rettet mot meg, og ingen andre. Her hadde de tid.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Jeg har lest at barn som har vokst opp med krig, kan huske enkeltehendelser fra de er veldig små. Kanskje minnebildene fra tidlig i livet bare varer i noen sekunder. Likevel preger de oss for alltid. De påvirker vi ender opp senere i livet, de påvirker hvem vi blir og hvordan vi har det. Med oss selv og med andre rundt oss.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

[Har man først begynt er det umulig å slutte med å lese Sæterbakken]

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

“Desire for an idea is like bait. When you're fishing, you have to have patience. You bait your hook, and then you wait.The desire is the bait that pulls those fish in—those ideas. The beautiful thing is that when you catch one fish that you love, even if it's a little fish—a fragment of an idea—that fish will draw in other fish, and they'll hook onto it. Then you're on your way. Soon there are more and more and more fragments, and the whole thing emerges. But it starts with desire.”

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure.They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.”

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Hvilket ord skal ut?

    a) dekke
    b) omfavne
    c) glorifsere
    d) bevokte
    e) overvåke
Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Fascinerende! Annerledes, morsomt - og lærerikt med en vri.
Honnør til oversetteren!

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Det er vanskelig å ikke bli glad i denne boken. Noen bøker blir venner :)
Fint sitat du har valgt.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

And bad stays. Bad doesn’t go away. You bury bad, it digs itself out. You throw bad in the middle of the ocean, it comes back at you like a tidal wave.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Har lagt den til mine egne lister, og har bestemt meg for å lese denne lista i rekkefølge, har allerede første boka klar, Set in a school Justin Evans - The White Devil.

Blir ikke i rekkefølge likevel, siden det kommer 6 nye bøker i en favoritt serie i Januar med 5 til i Mars og de passer til minst 3 punkter på lista (8. 51 & 52). Har lagt til 3 bøker så langt.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Fant en liste for 2021 idag. Har første bok klar allerede, 1 Set in a School.
24/11 Av 12 bøker så langt har 8 av dem i hovedsak blåe cover.
24/11 La nettopp til 2 bøker til, begge med blåe covere.

skriv bildebeskrivelse her

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

On a stormy night Physician’s daughter Laura Callaway is alerted that there’s a shipwreck on the local shore with only one survivor. Alexander Lucas hides his secrets well, but danger seems to follow him to Cornwall.

A Castaway in Cornwall is written by Julie Klassen, published by Bethany House Publishers. The story is set in North Cornwall 1813 and we follow Laura Callaway as she works on her admirable project to salvage trinkets from wrecks and inform next of kin of their loved ones lost at sea. When another ship wrecks, a man is washed ashore and ends up in Laura’s care to be nursed back to life. He presents himself as Alexander Lucas, has a foreign accent and reveals very little about who he is and where he is from.
While this is the second book I have read recently with similar setting, this plot stands out in the way it describes people’s struggles to survive in rather modest circumstances. With a backdrop of the Napoleonic War, the story deals with the need to belong to a family and a community. As an orphan, Laura struggles with both.

Main character physician’s daughter Laura Callaway lost her parents and lives with non-blood relatives. For a woman who struggles so much, I quite admire how she is able to make such a difference in other people’s lives and that’s why she is my favorite of this story.

Supporting character naval sea Captain Alexander Lucas struggles with consequences of war, and goes through a process of learning how to trust again. I felt he seemed human and likable as we got to follow his thoughts and perspectives. Danger seemed to follow him ashore in Cornwall.

I loved the vivid descriptions of daily life and occasional celebrations at the Cornish coast. I could easily see how story could easily be adapted to a movie reminiscent of Poldark. I found the characters relatable and many of them sympathetic. A few really unlikable ones wired me up and added great drama. The mystery element was my favorite part, which related to Alexander Lucas previous life and family background gradually told via his perspective of the story.

The romance part of the story seemed to be on the backburner until the last part of the plot. As danger was at the forefront, that made perfect sense to me. I enjoyed the dramatic parts of the story and the slightly surprising elements at the end. I felt it was all expertly tied up into a satisfying conclusion to this standalone novel.

Anyone who enjoys a historical romance set in Cornwall will love this story. As will fans of Julie Klassen. Similar authors to explore while eagerly awaiting next release from Julie Klassen
might be Kristi Ann Hunter or Jody Hedlund Thank you to Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for this eARC which gave me the opportunity to share my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.

Conclusion: A Castaway in Cornwall is the entertaining and enjoyable story about a woman who struggles to belong and a man marked by war who both long for a place to call home.
Rating: 4 stars / 5
Main reasons: great plot and mystery element, relatable characters, signature writing.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Boka ble kjedelig, - selv om handlingen var interresant.

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

En sterk roman om hvordan kjærlighet oppstår i konsentrasjonsleiren Auschwitz, om overlevelse og livet videre. 2. verdenskrigen. Anbefales

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

When priceless diamonds are stolen socialite Prudence MacKenzie and colleague ex-Pinkerton investigator Geoffrey Hunter takes on the case. A series of mysterious deaths take place, which seem connected to the diamond theft.

Death, Diamonds and Deception is book 5 in A Gilded Age Mystery series by Rosemary Simpson, published by Kensington Publishing Corporation. The story is set in New York 1889 as famous and priceless diamonds are stolen and heiress Prudence MacKenzie and her colleague ex-Pinkerton investigator Geoffrey Hunter investigate the case.

Main character is late judge’s daughter Prudence MacKenzie. She is fiercely independent and not interested in the limitations of marriage. I enjoyed that, and hope such a woman existed in the Gilded Age.

Supporting character ex-Pinkerton investigator, Geoffrey Hunter has the nice guy role. I find it amusing how he pretends not to be romantically interested in Prudence. There is a sweet element of romance between Prudence and Geoffrey in the more quiet parts of the story, which adds interest to the story and what the ending might be.

This plot felt reminiscent of others I have read set in gilded age New York, but it stood out as it offered fascinating extra insight into the lives of the richest of Gilded Age New York. Historical facts were weaved into the expertly written story. It felt like I was a fly on the wall while learning more about diamonds. The story had an amusing, light vibe. I particularly enjoyed the parts describing the relationship between Prudence and her larger-than-life Aunt Gillian. Her character added a slightly surprising and unique element to the story as she did more than chaperone Prudence. Her title, wealth and formidable presence offered Prudence admission to establishments women would normally be unwelcome. Aunt Gillian was my favorite character and I thoroughly enjoyed when she interfered with Prudence’s questioning methods and generally meddled in her attempt at creating a professional life.

The characters felt real and relatable, particularly the hansom cab driver Danny Dennis who had insight into living conditions around Five Points. Descriptions of how life might have been in this part of the city were my least favorite of this story, but added an excellent dramatic effect.

I loved how loose ends were expertly tied together into a dramatic ending fit for a movie. This is the first I have read in this series and it worked perfectly as a standalone. The main characters and the hints to previous plots made me want to start from the beginning of the series and read up on the whole thing.
Anyone who enjoys stories set in Gilded Age and historical fiction is sure to love this one. As will fans of Rosemary Simpson. Similar authors to explore might be Kate Belli or Alyssa Maxwell.

Thank you to Kensington Publishing Corporation and NetGalley for this eARC which gave me the opportunity to share my honest review. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

Conclusion: This is the entertaining story about a diamond theft in Gilded Age New York and a series of murders which seems to connect to it, and secrecy and cover ups within a prominent banker family are revealed. The perfect companion for an afternoon in front of the fire.
Rating: 5 stars / 5
Main reasons: well crafted plot, great writing and relatable characters, fabulous ending

Godt sagt! (0) Varsle Svar

Forfatteren pleier å skrive såkalt "kosekrim" men har denne gangen skrevet en feelgoodbok med en ny hovedperson som lignet veldig på den hovedpersonen fra krimbøkene og handlingen er lagt til samme sted.
Forsåvidt en søt og småromantisk historie på lik linje med de mange romantiske julefilmene som går på tv om dagene og jeg må innrømme at jeg flirte et par ganger underveis under lyttingen men ganske snart ble jeg mest oppgitt av alle metaforene som kom på løpende bånd. Det er så mange metaforer at handlingen nesten drukner i dem og det kan virke som det er om å gjøre å vise leseren hvor mange metaforer man kan klare å flette inn i en roman på knappe 250 sider og resultatet blir slett ikke morsomt slik jeg mistenker meningen var.
Helt grei tidtrøyte om du ikke henger deg opp i utstrakt bruk av metaforer.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Den spanske mystikeren Theresa av Avila som hadde mye smerte i sitt liv, sa at gråten og tårene var vann for sjelen så den kunne vokse. Slik tror jeg det er. Hvis vi ikke lukker oss og går inn i selvmedlidenhet og bitterhet, kan smerte bringe oss videre, til vekst. "Tårene vanner sjelen."

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Å spørre om hjelp er ikke det samme som å gi opp, sa hesten. Det er å nekte å gi opp.

Godt sagt! (8) Varsle Svar

Den største illusjonen sa muldvarpen, er at livet skal være perfekt.

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Noen ganger hører du bare om alt hatet, men det er mye mer kjærlighet i verden enn du kan forestille deg.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

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BertyEgil StangelandHarald KPiippokattaBård StøreMads Leonard HolvikHeidiKirsten LundSigrid Blytt TøsdalAmanda ATone HHilde H HelsethVibekeTone Maria JonassenLabbelineLars MæhlumTanteMamieDemeterLailaEileen BørresenHeidi HoltanKaramasov11BenteLinda NyrudJane Foss HaugenKorianderLineHildeJulie StensethTor Arne DahlAnneWangEllen E. MartolTore HalsaAgnesAkima MontgomeryAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudEvasiljehusmorGunvor GalaaenTone Sundland