A kleptomaniac is a person who helps himself because he can't help himself.
Henry Morgan

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

I'm not going to climb into the ring with Tolstoy.
Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961)

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

I forbindelse med oppgaven din vil jeg anbefale Hans Christian Cars' bok, Tro Vett Vanvett.
I boken blir eksistensielle spørsmål diskutert av seks gode venner med ulikt livssyn. Her diskuteres og filosoferes det over vitenskapens betydning for, og religioners rolle i menneskers liv, og i vår utvikling.
Jeg har en mistanke om at boken kan være til like stor hjelp som enkelte av innleggene i denne tråden. :)
Boken kan lånes på biblioteket eller kjøpes på Human Etisk Forbund's nettbutikk.
Uansett, lykke til med oppgaven!

Godt sagt! (8) Varsle Svar

Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place

Godt sagt! (9) Varsle Svar

Throughout his childhood, Marcello was as fascinated by objects as a magpie. Perhaps because at home his parents, more from indifference than austerity, had never thought to satisfy his desire to possess; or perhaps because other instincts, deeper and as yet obscure, took on in him the mask of greed; he was constantly assailed by furious desires for the most diverse objects. A pencil with an eraser at the tip, an illustrated book, a slingshot, a ruler, a portable rubber inkpot - any trifle could stir his soul, first to an intense and unreasoning longing for the coveted thing, then, once he possessed it, to an astonished, enchanted, unlimited satisfaction.

The Conformist by Alberto Moravia.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

....og snart kommer glade jul.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

En bokbinder fortalte meg en gang at man skal "bla" boken tilbake etter at den er ferdiglest. Da unngår boken å få skjev rygg. Jeg har praktisert "tilbakeblaingen" på eldre, skakke bøker, og utvilsomt, behandlingen har tilført også dem, en rakere holdning.
Som deg, så bruker jeg ufarget sko/veskekrem på gamle skinnbind. Ellers står bøkene i mørke bokskap og støvsuges med jevne mellomrom. Luftfukteren brukes flittig og sollys er den verste fienden.

Jeg har vært Kindlebruker i flere år og kan med hånden på hjertet si at jeg "elsker" de vedlikeholdsfrie bøkene mine. :)

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

Er det ikke merkelig at menneskene så gjerne slåss for religionen og så ugjerne lever etter dens forskrifter?
Lichtenberg (1742-1799)

Godt sagt! (9) Varsle Svar

Det skrekkeligste av alt er aktiv uvitenhet.
Goethe (1749-1832)

Godt sagt! (10) Varsle Svar

Little black dog in New Mexico,
Little black snub-nosed bitch with a shoved-out jaw
And a wrinkled reproachful look;
Little black female pup, sort of French bull, they say,
With bits of brindle coming through, like rust, to show
you're not pure;
Not pure, Bibbles,
Bubsey, bat-eared dog;
Not black enough!

First live thing I've "owned" since the lop-eared rabbits
when I was a lad,
And those over-prolific white mice, and Adolf, and Rex
whom I didn't own.
And even now, Bibbles, little Ma'am, it's you who appro-
priated me, not I you.
As Benjamin Franklin appropriated Providence to his

Oh Bibbles, black little bitch
I'd never have let you appropriate me, had I known.
I never dreamed, till now, of the awful time the Lord must
have, "owning" humanity.
Especially democratic live-by-love humanity.

Oh Bibbles, oh Pips, oh Pipsey
You little black love-bird!

Don't you love everybody!
Just everybody.
You love 'em all.
Believe in the One Identity, don't you,
You little Walt-Whitmanesque bitch?

First time I lost you in Taos plaza,
And found you after endless chasing,
Came upon you prancing round the corner in exuberant,
bibbling affection
After the black-green skirts of a yellow-green old Mexican
Who hated you, and kept looking round at you and cursing
you in a mutter,
While you pranced and bounced with love of her, you
indiscriminating animal,
All your wrinkled miserere Chinese black little face
And your black little body bouncing and wriggling
With indiscriminate love, Bibbles;
I had a moment's pure detestation of you.

As I rushed like an idiot round the corner after you
Yelling: Pips! Pips! Bibbles!

I've had moments of hatred of you since,
Loving everybody!
"To you, whoever you are, with endless embrace!"--
That's you, Pipsey,
With your imbecile bit of a tail in a love-flutter.
You omnipip.

Not that you're merely a softy, oh dear me no.
You know which side your bread is buttered.
You don't care a rap for anybody.
But you love lying warm between warm human thighs,
And you love to make somebody love you, indiscriminate,
You love to lap up affection, to wallow in it,
And then turn tail to the next comer, for a new dollop.

And start prancing and licking and cuddling again, indis-

Oh yes, I know your little game.

Yet you're so nice,
So quick, like a little black dragon.
So fierce, when the coyotes howl, barking like a whole
little lion, and rumbling,
And starting forward in the dusk, with your little black fur
all bristling like plush
Against those coyotes, who would swallow you like an oyster.

And in the morning, when the bedroom door is opened,
Rushing in like a little black whirlwind, leaping straight as
an arrow on the bed at the pillow
And turning the day suddenly into a black tornado of
joie de vivre, Chinese dragon.

So funny
Lobbing wildly through deep snow like a rabbit,
Hurtling like a black ball through the snow,
Champing it, tossing a mouthful,
Little black spot in the landscape!

So absurd
Pelting behind on the dusty trail when the horse sets off
home at a gallop:
Left in the dust behind like a dust-ball tearing along
Coming up on fierce little legs, tearing fast to catch up, a
real little dust-pig, ears almost blown away,
And black eyes bulging bright in a dust-mask
Chinese-dragon-wrinkled, with a pink mouth grinning, under
jaw shoved out
And white teeth showing in your dragon-grin as you race,
you split-face,
Like a trundling projectile swiftly whirling up,
Cocking your eyes at me as you come alongside, to see if
I'm I on the horse,
And panting with that split grin,
All your game little body dust-smooth like a little pig,
poor Pips.

Plenty of game old spirit in you, Bibbles.
Plenty of game old spunk, little bitch.

How you hate being brushed with the boot-brush, to brush
all that dust out of your wrinkled face.
Don't you?
How you hate being made to look undignified. Ma'am;
How you hate being laughed at, Miss Superb!

Blackberry face!

Plenty of conceit in you.
Unblemished belief in your own perfection
And utter lovableness, you ugly-mug;
Chinese puzzle-face,
Wrinkled underhung physiog that looks as if it had done
with everything,
Through with everything.

Instead of which you sit there and roll your head like a
And show a tiny bunch of white teeth in your underhung
Self-conscious little bitch,
Aiming again at being loved.

Let the merest scallywag come to the door and you leap
your very dearest-love at him,
As if now, at last, here was the one you finally loved,
Finally loved;
And even the dirtiest scallywag is taken in,
Thinking: This dog sure has taken a fancy to me.

You miserable little bitch of love-tricks,
I know your game.

Me or the Mexican who comes to chop wood
All the same,
All humanity is jam to you.

Everybody so dear, and yourself so ultra-beloved
That you have to run out at last and eat filth,
Gobble up filth, you horror, swallow utter abomination and
fresh-dropped dung.

You stinker.
You worse than a carrion-crow.
Reeking dung-mouth.
You love-bird.

"Reject nothing", sings Walt Whitman.
So you, you go out at last and eat the unmentionable,
In your appetite for affection.

And then you run in to vomit it in my house!
I get my love back.
And I have to clean up after you, filth which even blind
Nature rejects
From the pit of your stomach;
But you, you snout-face, you reject nothing, you merge so
much in love
You must eat even that.

Then when I dust you a bit with a juniper twig
You run straight away to live with somebody else,
Fawn before them, and love them as if they were the ones
you had really loved all along.
And they're taken in.
They feel quite tender over you, till you play the same trick
on them, dirty bitch.

Fidelity! Loyalty! Attachment!
Oh, these are abstractions to your nasty little belly.
You must always be a-waggle with LOVE.
Such a waggle of love you can hardly distinguish one human
from another.
You love one after another, on one condition, that each
one loves you most.
Democratic little bull-bitch, dirt-eating little swine.

But now, my lass, you've got your Nemesis on your track,
Now you've come sex-alive, and the great ranch-dogs are all
after you.
They're after what they can get, and don't you turn tail!
You loved 'em all so much before, didn't you, loved 'em
You don't love 'em now.
They want something of you, so you squeak and come
pelting indoors.

Come pelting to me, now the other folk have found you out,
and the dogs are after you.
Oh yes, you're found out. I heard them kick you out of the
ranch house.
"Get out, you little, soft fool"!!

And didn't you turn your eyes up at me then?
And didn't you cringe on the floor like any inkspot!
And crawl away like a black snail!
And doesn't everybody loathe you then!
And aren't your feelings violated, you high bred little love-

For you're sensitive,
In many ways very finely bred.
But bred in conceit that the world is all for love
Of you, my bitch: till you get so far you eat filth.
Fool, in spite of your pretty ways, and quaint, know all,
wrinkled old aunty's face.

So now, what with great Airedale dogs,
And a kick or two,
And a few vomiting bouts,
And a juniper switch,
You look at me for discrimination, don't you?
Look up at me with misgiving in your bulging eyes,
And fear in the smoky whites of your eyes, you nigger;
And you're puzzled,
You think you'd better mind your P's and Q's for a bit.
Your sensitive love-pride being all hurt.

All right, my little bitch.
You learn loyalty rather than loving,
And I'll protect you.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Desire may be dead
and still a man can be
a meeting place for sun and rain,
wonder outwaiting pain
as in a wintry tree.

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Jeg må bare si, du har mye fint å se frem til.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Derfor er det heller ikke nogen vederkvægende syssel at være lærer ved en lærd skole. De, som er nødte til at være det, og som gjør sin gjerning samvittighedsfuldt, bærer gjerne, længe før de blir gamle, fortørkelsens stempel aabenbart paa sin hele skikkelse.

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Den stigende overdaadighed faar folk til at kaste en stor del af sit arbeide bort paa ubetydeligheder.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

Nattefriingen er visselig ikke paa langt nær saa slem, som vore byfolk forestiller sig den. Men den er dog mere end slem nok. Er det end langtfra det almindelige, at den fører til utugt, saa maa den dog altid skjæmme kvindeligheden. Nattefriingen er den anden hovedkilde til den norske raahed, en kilde hvis vande saa tidt trænger lige ind i hjertet af huslivet hos "simple folk". Men naar jeg taler saa lige ud om denne stygge feil ved bondelivet, saa kan jeg ikke lade være at tilføie, at mændene i det hele er renere blandt bønder end blandt dannede. Det ulevnet som gaar i svang inde i Kristiania blandt studenter, kadetter og unge handelsmænd, kjender bondens liv næsten ikke sidestykke til.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar

"The Outsiders" av Susan E. Hinton leste jeg i tenårene, den var simpelthen en "målesebok". Boken har etterhvert blitt en klassiker i "ungdomslitteraturen", og temaet er nok like aktuelt i dag som da den ble utgitt i 1967.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Godt sagt! (5) Varsle Svar

Peace is written on the doorstep
In lava.

Peace, black peace congealed.
My heart will know no peace
Till the hill bursts.

Godt sagt! (2) Varsle Svar


My old man's a white old man
And my old mother's black.
If I ever cursed my white old man
I take my curses back.

If ever I cursed my black old mother
And wished she were in hell,
I'm sorry for that evil wish
And now I wish her well.

My old man died in a fine big house.
My ma died in a shack.
I wonder where I'm gonna die,
Being neither white nor black?

Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

La meg også dele en link til D.H. Lawrence sine dikt, hos ham er det også mye fint: ja, det er jammen her du skal trykke!

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

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