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All was well.

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"Ronny, du vet utmerket godt at både Harry og jeg vokste opp hos gomper," sa Hermine. "Vi hørte ikke de historiene da vi var små, vi hørte Snøhvit og de sju dvergene og Askepott -" "Hva er det for noe, en sykdom?" sa Ronny.

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'But this is touching, Severus,' said Dumbledore seriously. 'Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?' 'For him?' shouted Snape. 'Expecto patronum!' From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe: she landed on the office floor, bounded once across the office and soared out of the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears. 'After all this time?' 'Always,' said Snape.

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"Remembered you're not at school, have you?" said Scrimgeour, breathing hard into Harry's face. "Remembered that I am not Dumbledore, who forgave your insolence and insubordination? You may wear that scar like a crown, Potter, but it is not up to a seventeen-year-old boy to tell me how to do my job! It's time you learned some respect!"
"It's time you earned it," said Harry.

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It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership trust upon them, and take up the task because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.

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Of course this is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?

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Der din største skatt er, der er også ditt hjerte

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Den siste fiende som tilintetgjøres er døden

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Point is, people, don’t get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he’s out of the country. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, but the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to, so don’t count on him being a long way away if you’re planning to take any risks. I never thought I’d hear myself say it, but safety first!

Fred Wiltersen om Han-du-vet under en sending av Pottervakt

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Humlesnurr smilte til Harry. Harry stirret på ham.
"Og alt dette visste du? Du har visst det - hele tida?"
"Jeg gjettet det. Men jeg har pleid å gjette godt," sa Humlesnurr fornøyd.

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Bente NogvaGrete AastorpJulie StensethLene AndresenNinaEllen E. MartolElin SkjerengTatiana WesserlingKarin BergKari FredriksensiljehusmorMorten MüllerMartinmarithcGeir SundetAud Merete RambølEvaNorahFindusTone SundlandmarvikkisKristine LouiseAnniken RøilAnne-Stine Ruud HusevågEgil StangelandEmil ChristiansenHilde H HelsethPia Lise SelnesHarald KLinda NyrudKirsten LundToneMads Leonard HolvikPiippokattaSol SkipnesAQuariusInger-LiseTove Obrestad WøienlittymseRonny