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In 2007, the Nobel committee joined the chorus of praise singers and
crowned the IPCC with a Nobel Peace Prize.
If you know a bit about history, though, that Nobel speech may have left you uneasy. This is how it ended: "Action is needed now. Climate changes are
already moving beyond human control."
Lets be sensible for a moment. Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. During that
time it has endured all sorts of perfectly natural climate transformation. As recently as 20,000 years ago 97% of Canada was covered by ice. That ice melted and retreated and the Ice Age ended all on its own.
To suggest that the climate has ever been within human control is a bit silly.

Eller som det het i språkdrakten til Ole Danbolt Mjøs:
Det krevs handling no. Klimaendringane er allereie i ferd med å kome ut av menneskeleg kontroll.

Takk for merksemda.

  • IPCC = the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. FNs klimapanel.
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