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“When a monster stopped behaving like a monster, did it stop being a monster? Did it become something else?” 

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“How absurd it was that in all seven kingdoms, the weakest and most vulnerable of people - girls, women - went unarmed and were taught nothing of fighting, while the strong were trained to the highest reaches of their skill.” 

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"I'm not going to wear a red dress," she said.
"It would look stunning, My Lady," she called.
She spoke to the bubbles gathered on the surface of the water. "If there's anyone I wish to stun at dinner, I'll hit him in the face.”

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alpakkaAgathe MolvikAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudEivind  VaksvikStein KippersundPia Lise SelnesElinBeHildeE .Tone SundlandKjell F TislevollBente NogvaNorahChristofferTrygve JakobsenDemeterGrete AastorpFrisk NordvestSigrid Blytt TøsdalCamillaHilde H HelsethIreneleserLeseaaseStig TsvarteperTonje-Elisabeth StørkersenHarald KMarenEgil StangelandJakob SæthreKirsten LundLailaLilleviCecilieSilje BorvikLene AndresenToneRufsetufsaGodeminePiippokattaLars Johann Milje