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Memory offers up its gifts only when jogged by something in the present.

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We experience our expectations of the world.

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of a John Clare poem. Even the dearest that I love the best, Are strange - nay, stranger than the rest.

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The distance needed for humor is always missing from dreams.

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There is music in dialogue, mysterious harmonies and dissonances that vibrate in the body like a tuning fork.

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The work of psychoanalysis can turn ghosts into anscestors

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Sist sett

Kirsten LundJørgen NHarald KOddvarGritaolinemay britt FagertveitPia Lise SelnesRolf IngemundsenTine SundalelmeNabodamaBjørg L.WencheLisbeth Marie UvaagSynnøve H HoelAnn EkerhovdThomas Røst StenerudEgil StangelandToveChristofferVibekeMarit HåverstadAnne Berit GrønbechKjersti SLailaKjerstiKaramasov11Karen PatriciaEster SAstrid Terese Bjorland SkjeggerudTor Arne DahlEllen E. MartolKarin  JensenMarit AamdalLeseberta_23Anne-Stine Ruud HusevågChristinaBjørg Marit TinholtGunillaEli Hagelund