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It's just sad to spend so long getting to know someone and explaining yourself to them, and then having no use for the knowledge.

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My experience of love is that you get excited thinking that someone can mend your broken heart, and then you get angry when you realize that they can't.

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I don't know why people get so fixated on happiness, which always eludes them, when there are so many other invigorating experiences available, like rage, jealousy, disgust, and so forth.

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What could he do but accept the disturbing extent to which memory was fictional.

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It felt nostalgic and significant, but left him in a state of nebulous intensity, not knowing whether he was remembering an image from a film, a book, or his own life.

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The scale was wrong, like places remembered from childhood and dwarfed by the passage of time.

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[...] a sense of nostalgia for a period that hade made up for some of its unpleasantness with its intensity

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If they made a film of my inner life, it would be more than the public could take. Mothers would scream, "Bring back The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", so we can have some decent family entertainment!

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He was worn out by his lifelong need to be in two places at once.

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He felt the familiar ache of trying to track something that had just disappeared off the edge of consciousness but could still be inferred from its absence, like a whirlwind of scrap paper left by the passage of a fast car.

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