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Love and hatred are feelings that feed on themselves; but of the two, hatred has the longer vitality. Love is restricted within limits of power; it derives its energies from life and from lavishness. Hatred is like death [ ... ].
[ . . . ] 1830 has crowned the work of 1793. In France, henceforth, there will be great names, but no great houses [ . . . ]. Everything takes the stamp of individiduality. The wisest invest in annuities. Family pride is destroyed.
Lisbeth. miserable already at seeing the family so prosperous, could not survive this happy event. [ . . . ] And vindictiveness hastened Cousin Bette's end. The family followed her, weeping to the grave.
Dyden er alltid litt for rigid; den overser nyanser og instinkter som hjelper oss å takle om vi havner i en vrien situasjon. (Min oversettelse).