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Hun forsøkte å ikke tenke på den umiddelbare fremtiden, og heller ikke på fortiden, men forestilte seg at hun klamret seg fast til øyeblikket, den dyrebare nåtiden, som en friklatrer i en fjellvegg som klemmer ansiktet hardt mot steinen uten å våge å røre seg.
How extraordinary it was, that a self-made spoonful, leaping clear of his body, should instantly free his mind to confront afresh Nelson's decisiveness at Aboukir Bay.
This is how the entire course of a life can be changed - by doing nothing.
She wanted to be in love and be herself. But to be herself, she had to say no all the time. And then she was no longer herself.
She was not in love, or out of love - she felt nothing. She just wanted to be here alone in the dusk against the bulk of her giant tree.
He was discovering that being in love was not a steady state, but a matter of fresh surges or waves, and he was experiencing one now.
She needed to feel close to him in order to hold down the demon of panic she knew was ready to overwhelm her.
He was simply impatient for his life, the real story, to start, amd the way things were arranged, it could not do so until he had passed his exams.
He was not his mother, nor was he his family, and one day he would leave, and would return only as a visitor.
His manner was careful, somewhat distant - this was a conversation he must have rehearsed in his thoughts.