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Uncle Jack was a prince of a fellow not to let me down. But I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many yers later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said

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Don't worry, Scout, Jem comforted me. Our teacher says Miss Caroline's introducing a new way of teaching. She learned about it in college

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But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal -there is one human institution that makes a pauper equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court.

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«You like words like damn and hell now, don’t you?»
I said I reckoned so.
«Well I don’t», said Uncle Jack «not unless there’s extreme provocation connected with ‘em. I’ll be here a week, and I don’t want to hear any words like that while I’m here. Scout, you’ll get in trouble if you go around saying things like that. You want to grow up to be a lady don’t you?»
I said not particularly.

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You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

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'Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us. They don't eatup people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.'

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'People in their right minds never take pride in talents,' said Miss Maudie.

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You know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women- black and white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this court-room who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who had never looked upon a woman with desire.

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Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?

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I know now what he was trying to do, but Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind og work

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