The high lord

the Black magician trilogy

book three

av (forfatter).

Orbit 2004 Heftet

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Siri Søbergs eksemplar av The high lord - the Black magician trilogy


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In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world. Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room, or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she begins to doubt her guildmaster's word. Could the truth really be as terrifying as Akkarin claims, or is he trying to trick her into assisting in some unspeakably dark scheme?

Omtale fra forlaget

In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world. Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room, or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she begins to doubt her guildmaster's word. Could the truth really be as terrifying as Akkarin claims, or is he trying to trick her into assisting in some unspeakably dark scheme?


Forlag Orbit

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841493152

EAN 9781841493152

Serie The black magician trilogy (3)

Genre Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Sider 647

Utgave 1

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...Not only am I having conversations with myself, but now I'm refusing to talk to me...

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He had given her too much. He had given her everything.

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Dette er gode fantasybøkar (seriar) med ein kvinneleg helt og synsvinkel.

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Bøker jeg leste i 2010 i kronologisk rekkefølge.

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