Brooklyn Summer

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2020 E-Bok

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Randi Annie Framnes' eksemplar av Brooklyn Summer


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Utgivelsesår 2020

Format E-Bok

Språk Engelsk

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As Ashleigh Mcallister is struggling to get over her 12 year marriage, her friend introduces her to ex-soldier Kellan Dwyer who has travelled from Colorado to apartment-sit. They have a lovely time enjoying New York sights and each other until Kellan’s secret lands like a bomb between them.

This is my first time reading romance from a gay/lesbian perspective. I will not pretend to be knowledgeable about it but found it an interesting read. Universal elements in this story I think might be relevant for any gender, as the plot is about development and change of relationships. About what fears and insecurities might come into play when we try to be in a relationship.

Ashley is weary of dating following her divorce, but she still manages to open up to Kellan. She knows she will leave after the summer so she starts off guarding her heart, pretending this is just a pleasant summer fling. Kellan helps Ashley move through the hurt feelings from her divorce and gradually starts to trust her more and share her innermost feelings. Kellan, on the other hand, seems to be under sharing which comes back to haunt them both later in the plot.

Of all the characters in this story, I think Ashley’s 80 year old grandma was my favorite. She is important in the story’s first part as Ashley’s sounding board and confidant. The energetic and young-at-heart grandma is a great support for Ashley with her sharp comments and good advice while they walk to the Day Centre together. I found it endearing and funny that she is computer literate and gets information from a day centre friend’s Instagram account.

This story felt sweet and easy with a summer vibe to it, which would make a great holiday read. For anyone tempted to go to New York, there is a nice collection of sights described. I’m sure fans of Maggie Cummings’ other work would appreciate this new installment, as well as readers of gay/lesbian romance.

Thank you to publisher Bold Strokes via NetGalley for this eARC in return for my honest review. All opinions are completely my own.
My rating: 4 stars / 5

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