The Watercolor Artist's Bible

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Chartwell Books 2009 Innbundet, spiral

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Randi Annie Framnes' eksemplar av The Watercolor Artist's Bible


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Forlag Chartwell Books

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Innbundet, spiral

ISBN13 9780785819431

Språk Norsk

Sider 192

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About The Book (from Amason)
This hardcover book with internal wire-o binding is 6.5in x 8in, a perfect size for readers to keep handy in the studio, and reference often. The stylish design of this book, along with the interior photographs, illustrations and diagrams, make the learning process simple and fun for beginning painters and provides useful tips for more advanced artists.

This book is divided into three sections. In the first section, you will find practical advice on choosing the necessary tools and equiopment as well as hints on mixing colors��one of the trickier skills to master until you have learned some of the basic properties of color. Next, the techniques used in watercolor painting are explained in detail, from the most basic like laying washes and reserving highlights to some of the more unusual and exciting methods like wax-resist or spattering paint.

Tutorials and more than 100 step-by-step sequences demonstrate how to paint a wide range of subjects, including landscapes, buildings, people and still life.

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