What makes women happy

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2008 Heftet

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A delicious treat of wisdom for better self-awareness and satisfaction. Tackle anxiety, envy, guilt, while giving in to sex, food, friends, family, shopping -- and chocolate. What makes women happy? Nothing, for more than ten minutes at a time, so stop worrying. In this new book, Fay Weldon offers wisdom gleaned from a remarkable life, a brilliantly successful career and a fair share of trouble. She explores what makes women happy, and what we can do to lead more rounded and desirable lives. Chapters contain sassy morals, illustrative and sympathetic stories, and a lot of frank advice to show women how to stop obssessing and feeling bad about themselves. Later chapters confront the four horses of a woman's apocalypse: despair, depression, isolation, and self-doubt. A blend of philosophy, storytelling and self-help, this inspirational work shows Weldon at the peak of her creative powers, as brisk, stylish and entertaining as ever.

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A delicious treat of wisdom for better self-awareness and satisfaction. Tackle anxiety, envy, guilt, while giving in to sex, food, friends, family, shopping - and chocolate.What makes women happy?Nothing, for more than ten minutes at a time, so stop worrying.In this new book, Fay Weldon offers wisdom gleaned from a remarkable life, a brilliantly successful career and a fair share of trouble. She explores what makes women happy, and what we can do to lead more rounded and desirable lives. Chapters contain sassy morals, illustrative and sympathetic stories, and a lot of frank advice to show women how to stop obssessing and feeling bad about themselves. Later chapters confront the four horses of a woman's apocalypse: despair, depression, isolation, and self-doubt.A blend of philosophy, storytelling and self-help, this inspirational work shows Weldon at the peak of her creative powers, as brisk, stylish and entertaining as ever.


Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780006551676

EAN 9780006551676

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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