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I started to like the feeling of melancholy [...] The way that it felt good when you put a thumb on a bruise and pressed down
I was see-through. I was static on a television screen.
In a way I am perpetuallly and permanently in a state of rehabilitation. In an attempt to rehabilitate from the shock of being born. Some people are too sensitive to withstand that
I don't know why I was upset about not being an adult. It was right around the corner. Becoming a child again is what is impossible. That's what you have a legitimate reason to be upset over. Childhood is the most valuable thing that's ever taken away from you in life, if you think about it
If you want to get a child to love you, then you should just go and hide in the closet for three or four hours. They get down on their knees and pray for you to return. That child will turn you in to God. Lonely children probably wrote the Bible
Love is a big and wonderful idea, but life is made up of small things
They were trying to kick you out of childhood. Once you were gone, there was no going back, so you had to hold on as long as you could
Vill allra helst banka huvudet mot kaklet tills alt spricker upp och någon måste ringe 112 och du följer mig til sjukhuset och stannar tills jag dör och håller tal på min begravning och ångrar allt, men det går inte
"-Släpp ner mig nu! skriker jag och tänker släpp aldrig ner mig bär mig för alltid släpp aldrig taget."
"Du kysser mig som om jag ska gå sönder närsomhelst."
The world will never know what has happened to you, and what you carry around as a result of it.
They are a bundle of nerves, frayed at the ends.
I have all my regrets between pouring the wine and reaching for the glass.
And what amazes me as I hit the motorway is not the fact that everyone loses someone, but that everyone loves someone [...] We each love someone, even though they will die. And we keep loving them, even when they are not there to love any more. And there is no logic or use to any of this
Everyone had a beautiful grandmother - something to do with sepia and the orange blossom in their hair. Also the steady look in those old fashioned eyes. We do not know how to be brave, any more, as a bride was in those days.
[...] the dress might have been made of water, it might have been a puddle of colour around her feet, so naked does she look now.
There are so few people given to us to love. I want to tell my daughters this, that each time you fall in love it is important, even at nineteen. Especially at nineteen.
I think I will die of unfairness; I think it will be writen on my death certificate.
We were too young. We didn't really belive in death and there was nothing that anybody could do to change our minds about it
You should beware of motherless children. They will eat you alive.