Instructions for a heatwave

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2013 Heftet

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A story of a dysfunctional but deeply loveable family reunited, INSTRUCTIONS FOR A HEATWAVE by Maggie O'Farrell already feels like a contemporary classic. It was shortlisted for the 2013 Costa Novel Award and was a Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller.It's July 1976. In London, it hasn't rained for months, gardens are filled with aphids, water comes from a standpipe, and Robert Riordan tells his wife Gretta that he's going round the corner to buy a newspaper. He doesn't come back. The search for Robert brings Gretta's children - two estranged sisters and a brother on the brink of divorce - back home, each with different ideas as to where their father might have gone. None of them suspects that their mother might have an explanation that even now she cannot share.


Utgivelsesår 2013

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780755358793

EAN 9780755358793

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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O'Farrell skriver godt og gir innblikk i alle de små (og større) dramaer innefor en liten, forholdsvis vanlig, familie satt i en uvanlig situasjon. Selv om jeg ikke identifiserte meg med noen av karakterene, ble jeg engasjert og følte det var fin fremdrift i det som var av handling i løpet av tre varme dager i 1976. Boken er en fin påminnelse om at de fleste skjebner er uvanlige, at ingen familier er "normale" og at det helst går godt... om ikke helt som vi planlegger eller ønsker.

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Prøver meg igjen med årets leseutfordring.

Her er den:
A book published in 2022: Maren Skolem - «Hva jeg gjorde med pengene»
A book set on a plane, train, or cruise ship: Agatha Christie - «Mord på Nilen»
A book about or set in a nonpatriarchal society: Ruthanna Emrys - «A Half-Built Garden»
A book with a tiger on the cover or "tiger" in the title: Tae Keller - «When You Trap A Tiger»
A sapphic book: Sarah Gailey - "Upright Women Wanted"
A book by a Latinx author: Yuri Herrera - «Kroppsvandrere»
A book with an onomatopoeia in its title: Mark Haddon - «Boom!»
A book with a protagonist who uses a mobility aid: Leigh Bardugo - «Six of crows»
A book about a "found family": Becky Chambers - «To be taught, if fortunate»
An Anisfield-Wolf Book Award winner: Jesmyn Ward - «Sing, Unburied, Sing»
A #BookTok recommendation: Matt Haig - «The Midnight Library»
A book about the afterlife: Elif Shakar - «Ten minutes and thirthy-eight seconds in this strange world»
A book set in the 1980s: Taylor Jenkins Reid - «Malibu Rising»
A book with cutlery on the cover or in the title: Maggie O’Farrell - «Instructions for a heatwave»
A book by a Pacific Islander author: Witi Ihimaera - «The whale rider»
A book about witches: Andrzej Sapkowski - «The time of contempt»
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2022: Charles Dickens - «A Christmas carol»
A romance novel by a BIPOC author: Soniah Kamal - «Unmarriageable: Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan»
A book that takes place during your favourite season: Stephanie Perkins (editor), med flere: «Summer Days & Summer Nights»
A book whose title begins with the last letter of your previous read; Andrzej Sapkowski - "Sword of Destiny" (boka jeg fullførte før det het "Medieval Lives"
A book about a band or musical group: Jennifer Egan - «A Visit From The Goon Squad» (litt tynt, men ok)
A book with a character on the ace spectrum: Jordan Ifueko - "Raybearer" (Dayo)
A book with a recipe in it: J. K. Rowling - «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets»
A book you can read in one sitting: Roald Dahl - «Mathilda»
A book about a secret: Elly Griffiths - «The Crossing Places (Ruth Galloway series #1)
A book with a misleading title: Louise Penny - «Still life»
A Hugo Award winner: Martha Wells -«All systems red» (series winner)
A book set during a holiday: Agatha Christie - «Evil under the sun»
A different book by an author you read in 2021: Charles Dickens - «Great Expectations»
A book with the name of a board game in the title: Stanislav Lem - «Solaris»
A book featuring a man-made disaster: Abid Raja - "Min skyld" (sosial kontroll, religion, mistillit til samfunn)
A book with a quote from your favourite author on the cover or Amazon page: Victoria Schwab - «The invisible life of Addie LaRue» (Neil Gaiman)
A social-horror book: Stephen Graham Jones «The only good Indians»
A book set in Victorian times: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - «The Return of Sherlock Holmes»
A book with a constellation on the cover or in the title: Matt Haig - “The humans”
A book you know nothing about: Elif Shakar - «Ten minutes and thirthy-eight seconds in this strange world»
A book about gender identity: Kacen Callender - «Felix Ever After»
A book featuring a party: Jo Nesbø - «Kongeriket»
An #OwnVoices SFF (science fiction and fantasy) book: Yoon Ha Lee - «Phoenix Extravagant»
A book that fulfils your favourite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: Bergljot Hobæk Haff - «Skammen» (a book with two characters that are twins fra 2018)

A book with a reflected image on the cover or "mirror" in the title
A book that features two languages: C. J. Cherryh - «Foreigner»
A book with a palindromic title
A duology (1): Gudrun Skretting - «Tre menn til Vilma»
A duology (2)
A book about someone leading a double life: Abida Raja - «Frihetens øyeblikk»
A book featuring a parallel reality: Matt Haig - «The Midnight Library»
A book with two POVs
Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (1): Elif Shakar - «Ten minutes and thirthy-eight seconds in this strange world» (Istanbul)
Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (2): Soniah Kamal - «Unmarriageable: Pride and prejudice in Pakistan» (Lahore, gjenbruk av bok)

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52 books in 52 weeks

1. A second-person narrative: N. K. Jemisin - «Emergency Skin»
2. Featuring a library or bookstore: Matt Haig - «The Midnight Library»
3. Title starting with the letter «E»: Agatha Christie - «Evil under the sun»
4. Title starting with the letter «F»: Kacen Callender - «Felix Ever After»
5. Chapters have titles: Stanislaw Lem - «Solaris»
6. Household object on the cover: Maggie O’Farrell - «Instructions for a heatwave»
7. A non-fiction bestseller: Håkon Høydal - «Abida Raja. Frihetens øyeblikk»
8. Involving the art world: Yoon Ha Lee - «Phoenix Extravagant»
9. A book that sparks joy: Gudrun Skretting - «Tre menn til Vilma»
10. A book based on a real person: Anonymous - «Becoming Duchess Goldblatt»
11. A book with less than 2022 Goodreads rating: Cat Jarman - «River Kings»
12. Set on at least two continents: Irene Vallajo - «Evigheten i et siv»
13. Includes a club: J. K. Rowling - «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets» (the dueling club)
14. A character with superhuman ability: Andrzej Sapkowski - "Sword of Destiny"
15. A five-syllable title: Taylor Jenkins Reid - «Malibu Rising»
16. A book you’ve seen someone reading in public: Sarah Gailey - «Upright Women Wanted»
17. A book picked based on its spine: Leigh Bardugo - «Six of crows»
18. Jane Austen-inspired: Soniah Kamal - «Unmarriageable: Pride and prejudice in Pakistan»
19. A book that has an alternate title: Agatha Christie - «The Sittaford Mystery»
20. Related to the word «gold»: Jo Nesbø - «Doktor proktor og det store gullrøveriet»
21. Published by Simon & Schuster: Stephen Graham Jones «The only good Indians»
22. An unlikely detective: Elly Griffiths - «The Crossing Places (Ruth Galloway series #1)
23. Author with an X, Y or Z in their name: Andrzej Sapkowski - «The Time of Contempt»
24. Addresses a specific topic: Jesmyn Ward - «Sing, Unburied, Sing» (indirekte, rasisme/slaveri)
25. A wealthy character: Agatha Christie - «Mord på Nilen»
26. Has an “author’s note”: Tae Keller - «When You Trap A Tiger»
27. Includes a map: Elif Shakar - «Ten minutes and thirthy-eight seconds in this strange world»
28. Award-winning book from your country: Bergljot Hobæk Haff - «Skammen»
29. Over 500 pages long: Charles Dickens - «Great Expectations»
30. Audiobook narrated by the author: Abid Raja - «Min skyld»
31. Technology-themed: Martha Wells - «All systems red»
32. A book that intimidates you: Victoria Schwab - «The invisible life of Addie LaRue»
33. A bilingual character: Witi Ihimaera - «The whale rider»
34. Author’s photo on the back cover: Becky Chambers - «To be taught, if fortunate»
35. From the villain’s perspective: Matt Haig - “The Humans” (starter som «the villain»)
36. Recommended by your favourite author: Ruthanna Emrys - «A Half-Built Garden»
37. Set in a rural area: Ann Cleeves - «The Crow Trap»
38. Don’t judge a book by its cover: Richard Matheson - «I am legend»
39. A middle-grade novel: Roald Dahl - «Matilda»
40. A book with photographs inside: Terry Jones - «Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives»
41. Involves a second chance: Jennifer Egan - «A Visit From The Goon Squad» (Scotty bl. a.)
42. An indie read: Yuri Herrera - «Kroppsvandrere» (utgitt av indieforlaget «& Other Stories» på engelsk)
43. Author who’s published in more than one genre: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - «The return of Sherlock Holmes» (har også skrevet scifi)
44. An anthology: Stephanie Perkins (editor), med flere: «Summer Days & Summer Nights»
45. A book with illustrated people on cover: C. J. Cherryh - «Foreigner»
46. A job title in the title: Jo Nesbø - «Kongeriket»
47. Read during the month of November: Mark Haddon - «Boom»
48. Redo one of this year’s previous prompts but with a different genre: Louise Penny - «Still life» (Involving the art world)
49. Book title starts with the same letter as your first name: Mimir Kristjansson - «Jon Michelet - En folkets helt»
50. A person of color as the main character: Jordan Ifueko - «Raybearer»
51. The word “game” in the title: Caimh McDonnell - «The final game»
52. Published in 2022: Maren Skolem - «Hva jeg gjorde med pengene»

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