Valencia Insight Pocket Guide

Plus Pullout-map - Dimensions: 21.8 x 12.4 x 1 cm

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APA Publications Pte Ltd 2006 Pocket

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Cato Haugens eksemplar av Valencia Insight Pocket Guide - Plus Pullout-map - Dimensions: 21.8 x 12.4 x 1 cm


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Forlag APA Publications Pte Ltd

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Pocket

ISBN13 9789812582850

Språk English

Sider 96

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Book Description

"Valencia Insight Pocket Guide" is an itinerary-based guide, focusing on the best things to see and do, picked by our local correspondents. It is ideal for first-time visitors and perhaps pressed for time. To help you follow the routes easily, the 104-page book includes a full size pull-out map. Detailed routes have been designed to cover Valencia's highlights. Ten itineraries link the old and new city, including the revamped waterfront and the spectacular Palau del les Arts. Excursions take you to Sagunto, L'Albufero and the wine town of Requena. To aid your understanding of Valencia and this region of Spain, their history and culture are described in an introductory feature. There is also full coverage of shopping, eating out and nightlife plus a listings section covering hotels, climate, money, getting around and useful addresses.

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