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Hvordan skyte ned 'upassende' fakta?

Fagnøytralitet, ærlighet i forskning og folkeopplysning -

må den 'ubestikkelige' nøkternheten øke med pengemakt-stablenes
Hva metoder finnes for å 'hamre fast' offentlig sannhet?

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his
salary depends on his not understanding it.”
[ Upton Sinclair ]

Bry seg om å føre holdbare bevis, når de færreste kan kjenne
igjen et klokkerent bevis om de møter det på gaten, eller ved

Propaganda-bransjen har satset sterkt på frykt, beskjemmelse:
Fakta kan svertes, røklegges, gjøres til noe upassende,
som sikkert avslører mine dårlige motiver, søler meg til:
belastede ord viser min ukyndighet, jeg er visst offer for
leie 'folkelige misforståelser'?
Slik snor de det til.

"Let us say that your product causes harm (cancer, brain damage,
… whatever).
One option would be to admit the problem, notify the media,
pull the product from the market, and compensate the victims.

Instead many companies choose the following:
• Suppress the evidence of harm as long as possible, then deny harm
• Raise doubt about the scientific evidence and point to other causes
• Fund your own biased studies to confound the actual science
• Claim the science isn’t settled

In other words: delay, obfuscate, deny, muddy the waters and
point fingers.
This is, of course, the tactic employed by the tobacco industry
when evidence arose linking tobacco to lung cancer.

The approach was so successful in delaying/ minimizing regulation
that it has become the go-to strategy for industry and lobbying
groups embroiled in allegations of product harm
whether the compound of concern is lead, asbestos, aromatic amines,
vinyl chloride, beryllium, Freon, or deacetyl (an artificial
flavor that gives microwave popcorn a buttery flavor and also
causes lung damage). ...

The approach is summed up in an early internal tobacco industry
memo which stated:
Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing
with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the minds
of the general public.
It is also the means of establishing a controversy.”

It’s an ideal strategy and despite the fact that they keep running
the same play over and over again, it continues to work …
every single time.
And if scientific evidence eventually triumphs, these tactics
serve to delay regulation, allowing industry to continue to profit
from the activity despite the ongoing harm."

'Fakta' er altså noe skrot som samler seg i konsumentenes
udisiplinerte hjerner,
hvor stoffet egentlig kan bekjempes ved kjente krigsmidler.

Michaels' bok er blitt fremhevet av forsker Einar Flydal ,
som ikke er fornøyd med giga-telebransjens nøkternhet der de
serverer 'helt nødvendige' fremskritt
da de kan se ut til å true folkehelsen, biologi og klima og evt.
utslette all den sivilisasjonen de skulle tjene.

Ja, må vi pro fortissimo ha glippfri spillefilm i tele-bamsene
der vi seiler makelig på Mjøsa ?
om tjenesten skader oss og våre eventuelt anskaffbare barn?

( filmsnutt her )

Kyndige omtaler hos Goodreads :

mer om teleterror og slikt :

" The Orwellian strategy of dismissing research conducted by the
scientific community as "junk science"
and elevating science conducted by product defense specialists
to "sound science" status also creates confusion
about the very nature of scientific inquiry and undermines
the public's confidence in science's ability ... "

"Teknokrati ?"

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