Three Things About Elsie

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The Borough Press 2018 Hardcover

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Forlag The Borough Press

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9780008196912

Språk Engelsk

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I think the hardest part of losing anyone is that you still have to live with the same scenery. It’s just that the person you are used to isn’t a part of it any more, and all you notice are the gaps where they used to be. It feels as though, if you concentrated hard enough, you could find them again in those empty spaces. Waiting for you.

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There are times when sharing a problem only seems to make it grow. Hearing the words out loud gives them a strenght they never seem to have inside your own head, and it's easier sometimes to let them stay there, unnoticed.

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"Bravery means you have a choice, doesn't it?", she said. "It means you could have turned away but you chose not to."

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It’s strange, because you can put up with all manner of nonsense in your life, all sorts of sadness, and you manage to keep everything on board and march through it, then someone is kind to you and it’s the kindness that makes you cry.

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Because sometimes you need to run away. You need to believe in something without looking for proof. You need to enjoy a thing without finding a need to measure its value. You need to run away from a familiar life, into something quite unfamiliar. Even if you are so old, the only running away you will ever do again is in your mind.

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