The winter fortress

the epic mission to sabotage Hitler's atomic bomb

av (forfatter).

Head of Zeus 2017 Heftet

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It's 1942 and the Nazis are racing to build an atomic bomb. They have the physicists, but they don't have enough 'heavy water' - essential for their nuclear designs. For two years, the Nazis have occupied Norway, and with it the Vemork hydroelectric plant, the world's sole supplier of heavy water. Under threat of death, its engineers push production into overtime. For the Allies, Vemork must be destroyed. But how could they reach the plant, high in a mountainous valley? The answer became the most dramatic commando raid of the war: the British SOE brought together a brilliant scientist and eleven refugee Norwegian commandos, who, with little more than parachutes, skis and tommy guns, would destroy Hitler's nuclear ambitions.

Based on exhaustive research and never-before-seen diaries and letters, The Winter Fortress is a compulsively readable narrative about a group of young men who survived the cold of a Norwegian winter and evaded the clutches of the Gestapo, to save the world from destruction.


Forlag Head of Zeus

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781784977054

EAN 9781784977054

Omtalt tid 1939-1945

Omtalt sted Tinn

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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