The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order

av (forfatter).

Clarity Press, Inc 2024 Heftet

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Forlag Clarity Press, Inc

Utgivelsesår 2024

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781949762952

Språk Engelsk

Sider 314

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Diesen has written a terrific book about the emerging world order. The multipolar system that is now forming, he argues, has the potential to be much more peacefull than the U.S.-dominated unipolar moment that recently ended.

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Following two world wars, the Cold War produced a new world order based on bipolarity and ideological rivalry that ended with the collapse of communism after 45 years. The ensuing unipolar world order of liberal hegemony lasted even shorter, for approximately 30 years, until it became clear that the hegemonic system has failed to adjust to new realities and the excesses of liberalism had failed to deliver order.
New centers of power have emerged that strive to restore multipolarity and reject liberal universalism.
The transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world order is spearheaded by the Eurasian giants of Russia and China, while it is seemingly supported by states representing a majority of the world's population.

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A world order outlines the system and rules for how to live peacefully on the same planet, and a conflict over defining that world order suggest that the present world order is suspender and chaos governs.
Failing to reform the world order through diplomacy and peaceful mechanisms put the New world order on the path to being born through war.

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