The book lovers' appreciation society

breast cancer care short story collection

2009 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.33 (3 terningkast.)

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

This is a terrific collection of short stories from bestselling authors such as Sophie Kinsella, Alexander McCall Smith, Kate Mosse and Cecelia Ahern. It features irresistible tales of love, friendship, passion and betrayal from some of the top names in fiction: a woman planning not just what she wants to wear to a school reunion, but who she wants to be; a couple hoping to start a new life in Spain - and completely misunderstanding what they each want; a girl whose brother falls in love with a beautiful male impersonator; a woman haunted by ghosts from her past; and, a newly divorced mother taking her teenage daughter to Crete for a holiday, longing to be young again, until she remembers how awful it is to be 17. From Maeve Binchy to Jane Fallon, Adriana Trigiani to Alexander McCall Smith, this is the must-have collection of the year.

Omtale fra forlaget

Irresistible tales of love, friendship, passion and betrayal from some of the top names in fiction.A woman planning not just what she wants to wear to a school reunion, but who she wants to be . . . A couple hoping to start a new life in Spain - and completely misunderstanding what they each want . . . A girl who's brother falls in love with a beautiful male impersonator . . .A woman haunted by ghosts from her past . . . A newly divorced mother taking her teenage daughter to Crete for a holiday, longing to be young again, until she remembers how awful it is to be 17 . . .From Maeve Binchy to Jane Fallon, Adriana Trigiani to Alexander McCall Smith, this is the must-have collection of the year.


Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781409117377

EAN 9781409117377

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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