Quiz og grøss

av (forfatter), Tom Egeland (forfatter) og Marius Renberg (illustratør).

Aschehoug 2018 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.50 (2 terningkast.)

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Er du klar for en annerledes quizbok? Krimforfatterne Kurt Aust og Tom Egeland har samlet over 1200 spørsmål om koder, demoner, drap, monstre, storspioner, mesterforbrytere og det som verre er. I Quiz og grøss får du i tillegg til spørsmål - seks spesialskrevne noveller, en håndfull notiser om ting du garantert ikke ante kunne være sant, og du får gåter og koder å boltre deg med. Det er også spørsmål til barn og unge, og en spesialavdeling for nerder. Kurt Aust og Tom Egeland har begge stor kunnskap om menneskesinnets irrganger og verdens djevelskap. I denne boka har de virkelig boltret seg i mørkets hemmeligheter. Både i dypt alvor og med glimt i øyet. Designeren Marius Renberg har satt sitt eminente preg på boka. Omslaget er laget av Erlend Askhov.


Forlag Aschehoug

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788203363092

EAN 9788203363092

Språk Bokmål

Sider 440

Utgave 1

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I år skal jeg lese de bøkene jeg har lyst til å lese, og se enten mens jeg leser dem eller etterpå om de passer til et punkt. Kun bøker i 'leser' hylla.


A book with a title that doesn't contain the letters A, T or Y
A book by an author whose last name is one syllable
A book that you are prompted to read because of something you read in 2019
A book set in a place or time that you wouldn't want to live
The first book in a series that you have not started

A book with a mode of transportation on the cover

A book set in the southern hemisphere
A book with a two-word title where the first word is "The"
A book that can be read in a day

A book that is between 400-600 pages

A book originally published in a year that is a prime number - 1979
A book that is a collaboration between 2 or more people
A prompt from a previous Around the Year in 52 Books challenge
A book by an author on the Abe List of 100 Essential Female Writers

A book set in a global city

A book set in a rural or sparsely populated area
A book with a neurodiverse character
A book by an author you've only read once before

A fantasy book

The 20th book [on your TBR, in a series, by an author, on a list, etc.
A book related to Maximilian Hell, the noted astronomer and Jesuit Priest who was born in 1720
A book with the major theme of survival

A book featuring an LGBTQIA+ character or by an LGBTQIA+ author

A book with an emotion in the title
A book related to the arts
A book from the 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards
A history or historical fiction

A book by an Australian, Canadian or New Zealand author

An underrated book, a hidden gem or a lesser known book
A book from the New York Times '100 Notable Books' list for any year
A book inspired by a leading news story

A book related to the 2020 Olympic Summer Games in Japan

A book about a non-traditional family
A book from a genre or sub genre that starts with a letter in your name
A book with a geometric pattern or element on the cover

A book from your TBR/wishlist that you don't recognize, recall putting there, or put there on a whim

Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book #1
Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book #2
A book by an author whose real name(s) you're not quite sure how to pronounce

A book with a place name in the title

A mystery
A book that was nominated for one of the ‘10 Most Coveted Literary Prizes in the World’ (link)
A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse #1
A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse #2
A book related to witches

A book by the same author who wrote one of your best reads in 2019 or 2018

A book about an event or era in history taken from the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire"
A classic book you've always meant to read
A book published in 2020

A book that fits a prompt from the list of suggestions that didn't win - 'A book set on an Island'

A book with a silhouette on the cover
A book with an "-ing" word in the title
A book related to time

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