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2016 Heftet

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Super-intelligent furry aliens suddenly appear from another universe. And they've come to earth to have fun. "Louie" follows fisherman Billy Morton home one day and he and his family come quickly to love the playful alien. But when Louie starts using their computer to hack into government and corporate networks, and steal millions from banks to give to others, they realize that Louie and his friends mean trouble. Billy, his wife and two sons begin a roller-coaster ride of fame, fortune, jail, death, resurrection, and a distinguished ranking high on the FBI's "Most Wanted" List.The Government soon decides that all these aliens are terrorists. They must be eliminated. The aliens are playing games they hope will help humans to see the insanity of the American political, economic and military systems. But the Powers that Be don't play games: they make war.


Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781785651755

EAN 9781785651755

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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A few more definitions from the new protean dictionary of american usage ...

  • BELIEFS: Organized systems of thought whereby humans fool themselves into thinking they know something.

  • CONSUMER: A human being in an advanced civilization.

  • GOD: An imaginary entity given different attributes by every human
    being. Considered by many to have created man in his own image. Yet
    few blame him for this.

  • HUMAN BEINGS: The planet's way of committing suicide.

  • KISSING: One of the better human inventions.

  • PRIMITIVE MAN: A human being who is not a consumer.

  • SAUDI ARABIA: The country that contributed fifteen of its citizens to killing more than two thousand people at the World Trade Center, that suppresses most women's rights, that beheads people on a regular basis, that contributes money to support Sunni terrorists like ISIS, that bombed Yemen back into the Stone Age, and has been America's favorite nation among Arab countries for more than seventy years.

  • SLEEP: State in which human conciousness rests. Often not distinguishable from waking state.

  • TEENAGER: Human between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. Noted for doing things which human beings over the age of thirty desperately wish they could still do.

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In what most observers consider a political masterstroke, Rep. Jon John (D-MN) today introduced legislation making thinking by Democrats illegal.
"We Americans believe in a level playing field," the congressman said. "And this legislation will do just that. For the last decade we Democrats have been operating at a severe political disadvantage: gathering facts and thinking about our nation's problems, while Republicans have been proceeding totally without facts and thought and have thus gained an enormous political advantage. This must end. Democrats must stop thinking. My legislation will achieve this."
When asked to comment, Republican House Speaker John Ruan said, "No."
"No, what?" asked the reporter.
"Just 'no," said Speaker Ruan.
"But to what are you saying 'no,' Mr. Speaker?"
"Everything," said Mr. Ruan.

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