East Wind Returns

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2011 Paperback

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Forlag CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9781461147268

Språk Engelsk

Sider 358

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A young photo recon pilot in WWII finds the fate of the greatest invasion in history--and the life of the nurse he loves--resting perilously on his shoulders. "East Wind Returns" is a story of World War II set in July-November 1945 which explores a very different road to that conflict's historic conclusion. The American war leaders grapple with a crippling setback: Their secret atomic bomb does not work. The invasion of Japan seems the only option to bring the war to a close. When those leaders suppress intelligence of a Japanese atomic weapon poised against the invasion forces, it falls to John Worth, a young photo reconnaissance pilot, to find the Japanese device. Political intrigue is mixed with passionate romance and exciting aerial action--the terror of enemy fighters, anti-aircraft fire, mechanical malfunctions, deadly weather, and the Kamikaze. When shot down by friendly fire over southern Japan during the American invasion, Worth leads the desperate mission that seeks to deactivate the device. "East Wind Rain" was an actual coded Tokyo Radio weather report, the signal to make war against the United States in December 1941; "East Wind Returns" is the fictional signal for deployment of their atomic device against the US invasion of Japan.

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