Dark winter

av (forfatter).

Corgi Books 2004 Heftet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.33 (3 terningkast.)

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Outside of Pakistan, the world's highest concentration of al-Qaeda lurks in South-East Asia and there, Nick Stone's bosses get wind of an act of terror that will dwarf even the nightmare of 9/11. When Stone is despatched to Malaysia by the CIA to assassinate a biochemist, he expects his mission to be a straightforward part of the fight against Bin Laden. But there are complications not least because he is working alongside an attractive woman whose motives he doesn't fully understand. Target neutralised, Stone returns to the USA and a maelstrom of personal problems. Realising he cannot escape them, Stone unearths a doomsday threat against the populations of New York, London and Berlin and finds himself facing an unspeakable trade-off: the life of someone he loves, against those of millions he doesn't even know.

Omtale fra forlaget

Outside of Pakistan, the world's highest concentration of al-Qaeda lurks in South-East Asia and there, Nick Stone's bosses get wind of an act of terror that will dwarf even the nightmare of 9/11. When Stone is despatched to Malaysia by the CIA to assassinate a biochemist, he expects his mission to be a straightforward part of the fight against Bin Laden. But there are complications not least because he is working alongside an attractive woman whose motives he doesn't fully understand. Target neutralised, Stone returns to the USA and a maelstrom of personal problems. Realising he cannot escape them, Stone unearths a doomsday threat against the populations of New York, London and Berlin and finds himself facing an unspeakable trade-off: the life of someone he loves, against those of millions he doesn't even know.


Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552150187

EAN 9780552150187

Serie Nick Stone (6)

Genre Agenter og spioner Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Sider 492

Utgave 1

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det tok lang tid å bli interessert og det var svært omstendelig hva de gjorde ...hele tiden , men det var ikke så verst plott til slutt

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