A Christmas Gathering

Chrismas Stories #17

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Utgivelsesår 2019

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781472257178

Språk Engelsk

Sider 195

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A quick and easy read which is perfect when you want to take a break from your Christmas preparations.
Lady Vespasia and Victor Narraway are invited to spend Christmas at a beautiful country estate in Kent. What seems on the outside to be a pleasant holiday with Vespasia’s society acquaintances ends up being a rather less pleasant affair. There is a secret backdrop to the house party which pans out in a in a rather sinister and dangerous way with Victor and Vespasia in the centre of the whole ordeal.
Main characters Lady Vespasia’s and Victor Narraway’s relationship is vividly described, taking ample time to describe the fact that they are newlyweds. I feel Vespasia’s experience helping with solving previous murder cases shines through in the confident way she deals with events throughout the story.
When choosing to read Anne Perry’s work, I am not expecting the plot to be simple, sweet and uncomplicated. On the contrary, I expect twists and turns throughout, and that is exactly what I got in this story. Must say I would have enjoyed a little bit more Christmas feel, especially in the beginning, but no major issue. It is after all a crime story, which has the murder in the center of it.
A Christmas Gathering is highly recommend for readers of Anne Perry’s other works and for fans of historical crime fiction in general.
My rating: 4,5 stars /5
(All opinions in this review are my own)

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