1001 beers you must try before you die

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Cassell 2018 Heftet

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A comprehensive and fully updated guide to the very best beers in the world, with information on each beer's region of origin, style, flavour, and how it is made and served, together with entertaining anecdotes about the breweries.
Fully revised and updated, 1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die is a comprehensive and indispensable guide to the very best beers in the world, featuring world classics such as the finest traditional Czech pilsners, the best of Bavaria's refreshing wheat beers, England's Marble Chocolate beer, France's Vivat Blonde boutique beer and the cream of the new wave, cutting-edge, hophappy beers from the West Coast of America.

From the 1980s real ale revival in Britain to the explosion of microbreweries in the United States, there has never
been a better time to discover, and enjoy, the astounding variety of beers available. Many beers are undoubtedly more complex than some wines, both in their taste and in the method of their manufacture. A tribute to the burgeoning number of specialist and craft beers from around the world, this stunning book from the acclaimed 1001 series is illustrated with more than 800 photographs of beer bottles, glasses, labels, posters and breweries.

Written in an informative and entertaining style by an international panel of experts, 1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die also features critical tasting notes that will help you to match the right beer to the right food. Each description includes notes on the flavour and body of the beer, explains why it tastes the way it does and describes its strength and ideal serving temperature.


Forlag Cassell

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781788400824

EAN 9781788400824

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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